Almuslim University (Umuslim) Peusangan, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia graduated 642 students from diploma III, bachelor's and master's programs.
The graduation ceremony for class XXXVI, 68 of whom graduated cum laude, took place in the front yard of the Term MA Hall, Private Higher Education (PTS), Saturday 16 December 2023.
The daily executive (Plh) head of BPSDM Aceh, Henny Sri Wahyuningsih, hopes that every UMuslim graduate can become human resources who are adaptive, tough, have integrity and are competent.
Has a forward-looking outlook, has a polite, virtuous character, is able to adapt to changes in the domestic and global environment.
Chairman of LLDIKTI Region XIII Aceh, Rizal Munadi, hopes that Umuslim can actively and consistently take part in the Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) program.
It is not only limited by the ministry's flagship program, but has also started implementing independent MBKM.
"If it can run smoothly, it is possible that Umuslim can become a role model or pilot project for implementing independent MBKM in Aceh," said Rizal.
Head of the Bireuen Dayah Education Service (DPD), Jufliwan, hopes that the graduates will become graduates who are movers and pioneers in society, in development, showing their abilities and competence.
Apart from that, develop independence and work and create professionally. Let's transform and accelerate society.
"Every move, step taken by the graduates will be supported, expected and proud of the community. "Moreover, UMuslim is the best private university in Aceh at the moment," said Jufliwan.
Umuslim Chancellor Marwan said that there were three achievements in Umuslim's performance in the last 3 years, one of which was related to the efforts made by Umuslim graduates.
The increasing percentage of UMuslim graduates are immediately employed within 6 months after graduating in government agencies, national and international companies.
Increasing the percentage of student achievements at both national and international levels. The increasing percentage of students doing activities outside campus supports the MBKM program, and several other achievements.
"We hope that for all graduates, the academic degrees and skills they have obtained will become capital that can provide greater opportunities for them to take part and work in pursuing a career to achieve success in life," said Marwan.
Marwan invited all the graduates who graduated today to continue their studies at Master's and Doctoral levels, to develop and improve their knowledge and skills to a more advanced and professional level, so that they can remain competitive in the competitive world of work.
Previously, Deputy Chancellor I Umuslim, Halus Sastrawan explained that the graduates who graduated today consisted of 259 men and 383 women, a total of 642 people, of that number there were 68 graduating with cum laude predicate.
The graduates came from 21 postgraduate studies, 75 from the Faculty of Agriculture, 202 from the Teaching and Education Faculty (FKIP), 59 from the Engineering Faculty, 157 from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisip), 56 from the Computer Science Faculty (Fikom), 49 from the Economics Faculty. , Faculty of Health 23.