National Student Art Competition Festival for Primary School Level, Jeumpa School Principal Working Group, Bireuen Regency, 2024, Ended Successfully.

in hive-103393 •  10 months ago 


National Student Art Competition Festival for Primary School Level, Jeumpa School Principal Working Group, Bireuen Regency, 2024, Ended Successfully.

The National Student Art Competition (FLS2N) Festival for Primary Schools (SD) at the Jeumpa School Principal Working Group (KKKS) level, Bireuen Regency, 2024, ended successfully.

The activity which was carried out for a full day at UPTD SD Negeri 4 Bireuen, Monday (29/4/2024) was attended by delegates from a number of state and private elementary schools in the Jeumpa KKKS work area including Jeumpa District, Kota Juang District and Kuala District.

Chairman of the Jeumpa KKKS, Hamdani, S.Pd through the Secretary of the Jeumpa KKKS, Bahagia, S.Pd in his statement to the media crew, Tuesday, 30/4/2024, expressed his appreciation and thanks to the competition participants who had competed in a healthy and upholding manner. sportsmanship.

"Also, appreciation is given to the organizers and all parties who made the implementation of FLS2N successful at the Jeumpa KKKS elementary school level," he said.

It was stated that there were 5 branches being contested at FLS2N, namely the New Creative Dance Branch, Solo Singing, Storytelling Drawing, Pantomime and Weaving Crafts. Where the first winner in each branch of the competition will represent the Jeumpa KKKS, taking part in the same competition at the Bireuen Regency level in the near future.

As for the results of the competition, Dance Competition, first place was Chayra Fayyola Nadhifa, Safira and Alisha Syakira Azzahra (UPTD SDN 1 Bireuen).

The second winner consisted of Siti Shahira, Olivia Luthfa and Aura Fonna (UPTD SDN 4 Bireuen). The third winner consisted of Zakira Talita Zahra, Indah Talita and Fawnia Atthiyah Pirsa, (UPTD SDN 4 Jeumpa).

Pantomime Branch Competition, First place, pair Arkaan Harith Putra/Ziaul Akmal El Azzam (UPTD SDN 1 Bireuen). Second place, pair Muhammad Danish Arfa/ Muhammad Aizam (UPTD SDN 4 Jeumpa). Third place winner, pair Muhammad Alif Alfatih/Arjuna Alifiandra (UPTD SDN 4 Bireuen).

Then the Storytelling Drawing Competition, first winner, Auva Al Zaiyan (UPTD SDN 2 Bireuen). Second place was M. Abidzar Al Ghifary (UPTD SDN 8 Bireuen) and third place was Adelia Yasmin Akbar (UPTD SDN 13 Bireuen).

Solo Singing Competition took first place, Cut Aidilla Magfirah (UPTD SDN 21 Bireuen), second place, Rajwa Shaliha (SD Sukma Bangsa) and third place, Azzayana Mikayla (UPTD SDN 11 Bireuen).

Furthermore, the Weaving Craft Branch Competition only had one participant, namely Aqila Ulayya, a representative from UPTD SDN 21 Bireuen, so Aqila Ulayya automatically came out as the first winner.

"The first, second and third place winners in each branch were given trophies," said Bahagia.




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