Official Report: Handed Over Cash Assistance and Verification Survey In Lhokseumawe [20% steem.amal & 10% steemseacurator]

in hive-103393 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Steem.amal team recently has conducted two important activities in Lhokseumawe and North Aceh to deliver the steem.amal aid program to the beneficiaries in Lhokseumawe and North Aceh.

@radjasalmana as the steem.amal field coordinator in Lhokseumawe has conducted a preliminary assessment to identify the necessary action for Salmi a woman who is suffering from cancer for several years and now she is in the hospital. The identification brought us to the conclusion that steem.amal will support her family and her 2 underage children. Since steem.amal has allocated a budget for the emergency and scholarship program, it is adequate to use the budget for her daily need during the medical treatment. The other support that steem.amal will provide is a scholarship for two of her children and it needs to be discussed properly with the steem.amal board member. Because those two students are also receiving a little amount of official government scholarship program.

See the link for the report:

The emergency budget has been allocated is Rp 3,000,000 (30 SBD) for basic necessities during medical treatment. It is base on the calculation for 3 people for 30 days. With the assumption of the basic need of Rp 100,000/day (1 sbd/day).

Following up the program, it is needed immediate action from steem.amal Lhokseumawe team led by @radjasalman to deliver the support from steem.amal for her. Meanwhile, the scholarship program need to be evaluated with possible substitute to another sustainable long term support



Image property of @radjasalman

The sustainable support for her children (Intan Safitri and Indra Nurhakim) is also possible to be included in my personal program call "World Smile Project" on a monthly basis. Since my commitment to use some of the earning of this personal account for humanitarian aid programs all over the world.

Another program steem.amal has been finalized 3 days ago was delivering the aid assistance in cash for the burning house in Nisam North Aceh, the ceremonial handover was conducted by @irawandedy and the team. Thank you very much for @irawandedy @klen.civil, @sofian88, and the team who has delivered the aid for them on behalf of steem.amal. The burning house occurred on April 20th, 2021, at the first stage steem.amal has conducted a survey but as the information that received at that time, the government will support the family. But lately, the support from the government has not been received as expected, so then the steem.amal team decided to support with the emergency allocated budget.

The report from @irawandedy can be read on the link below:

Image property of @sisol



Images property of @irawandedy

Update Pidie Jaya:

@nazarul are preparing the data and survey report for 3 programs that will be implemented in Pidie Jaya regency. These 3 programs will be focused on Economic Empowering Program. The update will be published when the complete data is received.

Update North Aceh:

@heriadi and team are preparing to conduct a survey in Tanah Jambo Aye and Tanah Pasir for the next program as mentioned a few days ago. The one that the team will survey is in Tanjong Ceungai, Tanah Jambo Aye North Aceh regency. Most probably the program will focus on medical assistance and economic empowering program.

Million thanks for the support for steem.amal program implementation. Your supports are highly appreciated.

The overall report will be published on the official steem.amal account. Thank you


and all steem.amal board member

Best regard



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We are very happy to be in the shade @steem.amal. And we believe that one day Steem Amal Indonesia will be able to do even greater good.


Thank you very much brother, your support is also extraordinary. Salute

Ur welcome

I hope this program will become a runway to help them, become a place to introduce Steem to the public. I will always be in the team if needed.

We hope so, it is only the beginning of the good thing we are about to do. Surely we will do more

Saleum Aduen, You're the best Man!

At our place there are children with disabilities, I have written them in a post. At that time I participated in the Steem Value - Steem Charity contest.

Is he worth helping with a little donation? I ask first because I have a little donation, awards from the contestants.

Jika memang sudah terkumpul dana, bisa langsung bang mimi serahkan kepada yang bersangkutan, karena itu akan sangat membantu mereka yang membutuhkan

Terimakasih informasinya

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Like this my brother, I'm going to visit and invite some friends. On behalf of The Youth Steem team, what we need to document for @steem.amal

My friends and I plan to visit as a feeling of care and friendship first, because the child's cousin has also joined Steemit. Is it okay if we take the documentation and send it to Sir? We take what little we have to submit a report as a contest prize recipient.

Begini bang, Saya akan mengunjungi dan mengajak teman-teman beberapa orang. Mewakili tim The Youth Steem, apa perlu kami dokumentasikan untuk @steem.amal

Saya dan teman-teman berencana berkunjung sabagai rasa peduli dan silaturahmi dulu, soalnya sepupu anak itu juga sudah bergabung dengan Steemit. Apa boleh jika kami mengambil dokumentasi dan kemudian kami kirim untuk abanda? kami cuma membawa ala kadar untuk mengirimkan laporan sebagai pihak penerima hadiah kontes.

jika @bangmimi membuat postingan maka itu hanya sebatas informasi dan semua orang berhak membuat postingan sesuai dengan keinginan mereka dalam menyebarkan informasi.

Untuk mengirimkan data resmi untuk steem.amal boleh saja asalkan data yang dikirim itu sesuai dengan etika jurnalisme, antara lain, ada ijin dari yang bersangkutan dan sepengetahuan aparat desa tempat domisi penerima manfaat.

Untuk official steem.amal ada prosedur yang harus di lalui. Untuk survey sendiri harus melalui kepala desa dan ijin keluarga untuk setiap foto yang di publish. Dan ini tanggung jawab tim survey resmi steem.amal.

Untuk respon pihak steem.amal untuk laporan lisan/tulisan ataupun dalam bentuk postingan di platform steemit, steem.amal harus melalui rapat resmi board member dan harus di setujui oleh setidaknya 2/3 anggota board member saat ini, dan wajib di setujui team leader dan program advisor

Demikian untuk dimaklumi


Salam sukses selalu untuk @bangmimi

Siap bang, nanti akan saya tanyakan kembali kepada pihak keluarganya.

jika Abanda hendak membuat rapat program silahkan mengambil keputusan yang disepakati bersama board member.

kami dari Tim The Youth siap membantu dan memberikan informasi, semisal berjumpa dengan pihak keluarga dan pihak kepala desa. dan selanjutnya menyiapkan dokumentasi untuk pelaksana program @steem.amal . Semoga ini membantu ya Abanda

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Steem.Amal's humanitarian activities are very beneficial and very helpful for those who have experienced a disaster, such as victims of fire. Hopefully more and more people will be helped by the Charity activities of Steem.amal. Thank you for this humanitarian activity. Hopefully Steem.amal will continue to progress and develop, so that many charities can be done for help.

Thank you very much for your support and assistance bro

I am very proud and happy to see the program created by @steem.amal. I hope @steem.amal will be more successful

Thank you brother, we will keep it up

you are welcome

Really did a great job sir @el-nailul. Keep safe and be blessed.

Thank you very much for your kind words

Much appreciated sir.

Gran informe y grandiosas las ayudas a estas familias en crisis.

Esperemos que las ayudas les den el impulso que necesita para salir adelante y recuperar sus vidas con normalidad.

Por un mundo mejor 🤗


Gran labor la de todo el equipo, espero que este ejemplo se replique por todo el planeta.

Que cada grupo y ciudad cree sus propios programas y que ayudemos a cambiar el mundo.
