in hive-103393 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Steem amal has officially responded to Semeru Volcano Eruption a week ago with our Implementing partners in East Java. The preparation is ongoing as the banner, x banner, and t-shirt have already been printed. ACT as our implementing partner reported, the activities in Lumajang, East Java still need our contribution to support the emergency food supplies in the refugee camp.

Spanduk Food truck branding STEEM AMAL (2).jpg

Steem amal has transferred the second IDR 50,000,000 in supporting the emergency response and it is part of our commitment to responding to emergencies and disasters in Indonesia.

Recent situation of the eruption by December 17th-24th, 2021












All images published in this post is legally permitted and under a mutual agreement with ACT Head Quarter

Besides the food program, ACT also provided other basic utilities for the affected families in the area. During the emergency, the basic need of the refugee assisted by ACT is from various donations all over Indonesia. In this part steem amal will implement the food program which is implemented by ACT. This third party is involved to ensure adequate response since there is no steem.amal representatives can stay in charge of such a huge operation.

Steem amal has committed to donating IDR 110,000,000 (Hundred and ten million rupiah) for Semeru Volcano Eruption in Lumajang regency, East Java Province.



The latest transfer of the donation from steem amal was on December 16th, as can be seen in the receipt below:

InkedWhatsApp Image 2021-12-16 at 21.36.23_LI.jpg

The official handover will be arranged immediately in Lhokseumawe to the ACT Lhokseumawe Branch Manager. The delay of this handover is due to the banner and t-shirt printing. Below you can see the promotion media that will be used to promote the steem and steemit platform to reach the larger area in Indonesia.

FA _ KAOS NEW ACT (PUTIH) (1)-1 (2).jpg

The T-shirt will be worn by all ACT staff and volunteers during the steem.amal response. I have provided the information of the steem and steemit platform since I expected users from outside Aceh will join the steemit

Spanduk Food truck branding STEEM AMAL (2).jpg

X-Banner Food truck branding GZ (2) (1).jpg

Since this first Disaster Emergency Response, steem amal is started to build a larger humanitarian response not only in Aceh but to all parts of Indonesia. Our goals will be possible to achieve with your continued support to the steem.amal account. I am aware that steem.amal will need to strengthen specific project management. The field report will be updated accordingly when the steem.amal started the response in the field.

Million thanks to the steemit team that has demonstrated tremendous support through upvoting from the steemcurator01 account. We expect that more steemian will support such the program in the future by sharing the reward to the @steem.amal account. Thank you for your generosity!



Best Regard


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Semoga uluran tangan dari steemian's melalui @steem.amal menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi para korban yang terdampak erupsi.

Aamiin, terima kasih do'anya bu @wantimaulidar

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji’un, wa inna ilaa rabbina lamunqalibuun, allahummaktubhu ‘indaka fiil muhsinin, waj’al kitaabahu fii ‘illiyyiin, wakhlufhu fii ahlihi fil ghaabirin, wa laa tahrimnaa ajrahu walaa taftinnaa ba’dahu. Semoga para korban diberikan ketabahan dan kelapangan hati yang seluas-luasnya.

Terima kasih sahabat steemian semua yang telah mengulurkan tangannya melalui @steem.amal, sehingga @steem.amal tetap survive membantu mereka yang membutuhkan.

Aamiin allahumma aamiin, terima kasih do'anya dedek