Contest 178 - Third Round | The Impact of Independence Commemoration Day and Hope for Indonesia's Future

in hive-103393 •  5 months ago 

Source: My Smartphone Gallery

The moment of raising the red and white flag always gives me a sense of solemnity, remembering how the long process of struggle of the predecessors gives a sense of emotion and awareness of how we must maintain the country's independence. Administratively, Indonesia is already independent, but what about its management?

Dan perjuangan pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia telah sampailah kepada saat yang berbahagia dengan selamat sentausa mengantarkan rakyat Indonesia ke depan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan Negara Indonesia, yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur.

The second paragraph of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is very clear about the meaning of independence according to the originators, the goal is for the people to become united, the state to become sovereign, the creation of justice and prosperity in people's lives.

August 17 is a date that pumps up the spirit of all Indonesian people, commemorating independence day as an annual tradition that has its own charm and impression. "Nusantara Baru Indonesia Maju" is the theme chosen by the Central Government which is a great vision, the word "Baru" reflects a hope and spirit and the word "Maju" holds the meaning of courage and success.

Source: BPMI Setpres/ Vico

The Commemoration Ceremony of the Seconds of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024 was conducted by the Central Government at the Ceremonial Field of the State Palace of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN), East Kalimantan, led by President Jokowi, while Vice President Ma'ruf Amin led from the Jakarta Palace. A clear sign that Indonesia is undergoing a transformation, hopefully providing better changes for all levels of society.

Impact of Independence Commemoration

If we look at the festivities displayed in the celebration of independence, one event that is eagerly awaited especially among children and mothers is the Independence Carnival, where participants wear traditional clothes from various regions in Indonesia, this I think is very good to instill the value of unity and to provide basic knowledge about the identity of our nation which has ethnic and cultural diversity that has been bound in the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.


Source: [email protected]

In addition, there are so many competitions organized in the celebration of independence, which certainly illustrates a symbol of struggle, I would like to take one example of a race called Panjat Pinang, this race requires a synergy of strength, cooperation and sacrifice of each team member to be able to successfully reach the top of the areca tree trunk, the lesson to be learned is that in an effort to achieve something it is necessary to never give up and strategies to overcome existing obstacles.


Source: Instagram-@mylens23

Hope for the Nation

Corruption, I consider to be the main problem that is still a big homework in the 79th year of the Republic of Indonesia. The greed of a few people affects the welfare of many people, even the leaders of institutions tasked with eradicating corruption are extorting and accepting gratuities.

Indonesia's natural resources must be managed properly so that they can provide benefits to the wider community, what is felt today is that our natural resources are still dependent on the management of foreign parties, isn't our dream as a nation and state to be able to stand on our own feet?

Every problem that is being experienced by this nation actually only boils down to something called an Honesty Crisis. The act of manipulating for the sake of personal interests, relatives and even families is carried out systematically and shown clearly. Even though this country belongs to the people (he said), it feels like a family business that has been divided into portions.

The previous fighters have contributed greatly to the independence of the Indonesian state from the evil hands of the colonizers, with their blood and without expecting anything in return. Meanwhile, we who are now enjoying this state of unlimited freedom seem not to be good at being grateful and prioritizing selfishness.

May Indonesia be free from corruption

May Indonesia become a Self-Sufficient Country

May Indonesia's leaders always act honestly

Contest participation invitation for:


Achievement-1 @fajrularifst

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Mantap..semoga bisa ikut.kondisi belum fokus..terima kasih atas undangan

Siap, ditunggu partisipasinya Pak, semoga segera ada keluangan waktu.

Isi postingan yang sangat menginspirasi

Terimakasih telah membaca dengan baik Bu..

Istana negara dengan background burung Garuda, namun apakah sangat mirip?

"Burung Garuda menjadi desain karena kaitannya yang sangat erat dengan Indonesia dengan berbagai perbedaan, segala silang pandang, segala keragaman adat istiadat dan perilaku, dan perbedaan kepercayaan dan agama. Garuda merupakan simbol persatuan. Apalagi garuda juga menjadi bagian dari lambang negara, Bhineka Tunggal Ika"

Begitu kata Nyoman

Berkibar lah bendera ku, garuda di dadaku. Salam 🫡

Rasa syukur yang harus kita tingkatkan dalam mengisi kemerdekaan ini. Para pejuang terdahulu bukan saja harta dan air mata yang mereka korbankan. Nyawa bahkan keluarga juga menjadi taruhannya.

Setuju Bu, mereka berjuang dengan tulus ikhlas, tanpa mengharap imbalan apapun, lalu bagaimana dengan kita?

Ada hal yang harus kita tanyakan pada diri kita sendiri dulu ya Pak. Apa yang sudah kita berikan dan kita lakukan untuk Negara ini.

Harapana pak fajrul, harapan saya dan harapan semua orang . Menginginkan Indonesia bebas dari Korupsi.

Semangat kemerdekaan ,💪💪💪

Perjuangan belum usai 🔥

Bang Fajrul memuat banyak gambar dari instagram, apa bang Fajrul memiliki hak menyiarkan gambar-gambar tersebut? Kalau ingin menggunakan gambar dari initernet, ambil dari sumber-sumber penyedia gambar gratis seperti pixabay, Bang.

Terimakasih. :)

Oh iya, saya memang ingin mencoba sedikit bereksperimen bang, mungkin melewati batas normal ya, tetapi saya ingin terus mencoba sesuatu yang baru, mudah-mudahan ke depan bisa lebih baik lagi 😁

Ga ada masalah, sih. Cuma kan kebiasaan di Steemit gitu. Hehe. Besok kita umumkan ya pemenang kontes 178. Yang ikut cuma 4, alokasi hadiah sampe 5 juara.
Kurang peminat, mungkin capek,

Hahah, mungkin semangat kemerdekaan mulai memudar bang.

Sang teukeupak arwah ,,