The diarygame season 3 || April 7, 2021 || Language analysis on Weekly Active Southeast Asia Steemians Report by Admin of steemsea community

in hive-103393 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Dear all steemians !

Today I'm going to share you about my analysis toward language used on Weekly report of Active Southeast Asia Steemians (weekly report) by steemsea community admin, @anroja
This is only my personal project in order to make writing quality on steemit be better for the future.
big hope I can contribute to this platform by this.
So, feel free to read and relax !

I provide some suggestions after today and day to day analysation.


For the first as the main and the most important things, I would like critic on the Language used by @anroja for weekly report of Active Southeast Asia Steemians. Most of us know Southeast Asia is composed of 11 countries that has an impressive diversity in language. As Indonesian, the other Southeast Asia countries such Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Laos have their own Language to use. When @anroja as steemsea admin use Indonesian as Language for weekly report, how can they understand?
I suggest; it's a need to provide both Indonesian language as the majority user and also English as a lingua-franca.

(Such a title on picture form weekly updated by steemsea admin to be corrected)

The second, I suggest to keep the consistency. If the content of the report is in Indonesian Language, it's better to use the tittle in Indonesian language also. or if you think English is better for the tittle, use it correctly.

(Source : @anroja's post

Looks at the picture I present above, focus on the sentence at the picture.
this English is too Indonesian.
"Steemians active" is not a correct order in English, but "active Steemians" is the correct one"
Next, "SOUTH EAST". No separation between "south" and "east" for this context. but "Southeast" is the correct one.

(the correct English order that I suggest)

The third one as the last suggestions is need to arrange the sentence effectively. As admin of a community, it's a must to be a model in writing specifically so that need to improve the writing ability.

Below I present some of ineffective used of language and also writing style

(Source : @anroja's post)

(Source : @anroja's post)

That all my analysis for today.
Because I think this is important, I need to tag you @steemitblog, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @steemcurator03, @booming01

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