Bireuen Regency Education and Culture Office Holds Stunting Prevention Training.

in hive-103393 •  2 months ago 


Bireuen Regency Education and Culture Office Holds Stunting Prevention Training.

Teachers and Principals from Early Childhood Education Units (PAUD) throughout Bireuen Regency were given training in Stunting Prevention Training (Parenting Program for Stunting Prevention) PPSP 2024.

The activity organized by the Human Resources Development Division (PTK) of the Bireuen Regency Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud), Aceh Province, was held for three days from December 14 to December 16, 2024, at Wisma Bireuen.

The Head of Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Dr. Muslim, M.Si, represented by the Head of PTK Division of Bireuen Education and Culture Office, Abdul Majid, S.H., M.M said that one of the objectives of this activity is to support government programs in order to accelerate the reduction in stunting prevalence rates.

Then, provide knowledge and skills to participants, so that they can accompany early childhood to grow and develop properly, so that they can avoid stunting.

It is said that Paud teachers are one of the frontline in preventing stunting, they play a strategic role in educating and preventing stunting because they interact directly with children and parents.

"So through this training they will be equipped with skills and knowledge. This knowledge is a provision in providing services related to the growth and development of early childhood appropriately," he explained.

Abdul Majid said that this Stunting prevention training was attended by 250 participants consisting of Paud teachers and heads of State and Private Paud units throughout Bireuen Regency.

This activity was carried out for three days from December 14 to December 16, 2024, at Wisma Bireuen Jaya.

"Of the 250 participants, they were divided into two rooms," said the Head of Manpower Development at the Bireuen Education and Culture Office.

The 2024 Stunting Prevention Training (Parenting Program for Stunting Prevention) presented four speakers from the UPTD Puskesmas Kota Juang, Bireuen Regency.

The four speakers were Nana Dhiana, SKM, the material presented was about Nutrition and Parenting Patterns in children.

Sarah Adelaide, SKM, the material presented was Stunting and Anthropometric measurements in children. Hayatun Nufus, SKM, the material presented was Environmental Health and clean water.

Iftriati, M.Ad. Keb. the material presented was Growth and Development of the Pre-Screening Development Questionnaire Graph (KPSP Graph).

"With this Stunting Prevention training, it is hoped that teachers of Paud units in Bireuen Regency can improve the capacity and competence of teachers in preventing stunting in early childhood," he requested.







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