The Diary Game Season 3 (03-10-2021 )My Daily Life#43 A Day with My Pets and My First Experience of Getting Fined

in hive-103393 •  4 years ago 

Good day guys!

Having pets is one of the best feelings nowadays. They are always there to comfort you when you are down. They are always amusing to observe them play and react to different stimuli. The only thing that sucks is when they make a mess or pee or poop around. Let me tell you about my day and my pets.
I decided to stay on our couch in our living room and here come our dog, Pierre. I didn't know what he wanted and then he decided to lie on my lie. He was putting his chin over my leg using it as a cushion.

While Pierre was on my leg, Yoda was on top of the couch I think he was about to sleep already.
But then somebody decided to join him and he was trying to play with Yoda. Pierre was doing a scratching motion on Yoda but Yoda was no budging. I was just taking photos of them while they were staying on top of the couch. It looked like that they were going to sleep in that position. Yoda was about to sleep and Pierre was following. Until I had to leave the couch and Yoda followed me and Pierre followed Yoda.
Today, when I woke up from sleep. Yoda was just here inside my room, I was surprised because I usually kick him out because of all the noise that he makes. But he was just silent that night and he didn't attack my feet during sleep. When I opened my door he immediately when out, I think he was hungry. Later on my brother was carrying him already. He looked so fat already. I left the house because I had a patient in the morning.
Before leaving the house, I took photos of the fish on the pond. There a many goldfish already. I think they reproduced again because I could see dark-colored fishes and some of those dark-colored fishes are starting to get their color also. Most of the fish in this pond are goldfish. We used to have Koi fish before but they all died in one incident which was when we ran out of electricity for how many days. I miss looking at Koi because they grow really big. It was nice looking at them before. but I guess U should be thankful because the goldfish survived that incident.

My day was going well already because my mood was set by my pets. Here's a photo before going to my patient. When I got to their place, they said that his check-up was good. I'm glad that he was able to ride a car already instead of an ambulance going for a check-up. We were able to walk and do some exercises. I'm also glad that he became independent when it comes to using the toilet. It's really fulfilling to be able to see the progress of your patients.
As I was going to the place where I parked, I noticed that there was an enforcer there. I immediately went to my car saw a ticket on the windshield. I went to talk to the enforcer and he said that you are not allowed to park here beyond 7 am. I've been parking here for the past 3 weeks already and this was the only time when they apprehended me for illegal parking in that area. I spoke to him if I could pay him straight so I don't have to go to their COMPAC station to pay and get the Plate number in the police station. He agreed and I had to pay 500 Php which is around 10.30 United States Dollars. He then put back the Plate Number. It really was a crappy experience but at least now I know that the next time I go there, I won't be parking there anymore. I hope next time they put an Illegal parking sign there.


Despite what happened I was just thinking positively about it. When I got home I continued to pet Yoda. I really feel good to pet him because his fur is really soft. While I was using my computer, Pierre kept on barking at me and I asked him if he wanted to go out. He was leading the way for me. When he was outside he looked for a spot to take a dump and pee. I'm glad I listened to him or it will be a mess in the house again. I then got ready to go to my girlfriend's place and went there. She asked me to bring a wrench so we'll be able to replace her shower head. We replaced it and we just rested, ate, and watched a movie.
When I back home, my mom opened a box that came from her sister. I was really excited because my aunt sent me a ledger from Canada. Can't wait to do an unboxing soon. My mom had to put some stuff that she segregated for my grandpa and grandma. So she brought in the box and there was one guy who looked so excited and hopped inside. He just loves boxes. I remember when he was a kid he grew up inside one. When he was inside Pierre started looking inside the box.

When Pierre would peek, Yoda would surprise him with a smack. We were also victims of him before haha.
He just looked so comfortable inside until we had to kick him out to put the items inside.
I really don't know why, wherever Yoda goes Pierre would always follow. They both went to the kitchen. Whenever you ask Yoda if he's hungry he would respond with a meow and then lead you to his bowl. Sometimes he doesn't finish his food so here comes Pierre eating it. There's one thing that I love about cats they are really smart especially when doing potty training as long as you provide them a litter box. What I hate about Pierre lately, he has been peeing inside my room. But I guess

Thanks for reading and Stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me .



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Thank you so much @Anroja!

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