Giving of Food Packs To Our Neighborhood Sponsored by @herimukti Steemian from Indonesia

in hive-103393 •  3 years ago 

Greetings steemians

Another feeding we did to our neighborhood sponsored by Steem sea and @herimukti through @steemitcebu. It happened last September 27 monday morning when @steemitcebu and his wife @georgie84 informed us to joined the preparation of an act of kindness to our neighborhood by giving them foods in food packs.


Our mother was the one who cooked the fresh noodles and my uncle cooked the rice the deep fried chicken was ordered by @georgie84 in the chicken store near us.


Everytime we had an activity for our neighborhood our family is very active to help its my sister who put rice to the food pack while i put the fresh pancit noodles and @steemitcebu add the deep fried chicken.


When the preparation was done we called the kids and adult this time we include the adult because the food packs were more than enough for the kids. The same process we asked them to follow health protocols like wearing of mask and social distancing.


It was so crowded outside while kids were waiting for their turn to get their food packs. They thought they can't avail because there were so many kids came and adult also were waiting.


We are thankful because the 100 packs of juices, 100 pieces of deep fried chicken, 6 kilos of rice and 4 kilos of fresh noodles that @steemitcebu and @georgie84 have purchased were all enough to the kids and adults and also they bought 20 cupcakes because there were kids that don't eat too much so we gave them cupcakes and juice.


Kids and adult were so happy and enjoying the foods. My family also is so thankful for this another activity to our community.

It was really a blissful day to our neighborhood because of the help of a steemians who has a wonderful heart for the needy, thank you so much for the blessings @herimukti may you will be blessed with whatever your hearts desire.

God bless and stay safe everyone


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Senang bisa melihat mereka ceria dengan program ini, dan semangat untuk @harimukti yang selalu dengan tulus membantu sesama untuk kemanusiaan. Semangat terus ya dek her.

We are very thankful to @herimukti for he has a generous heart willing to help the needy, she puts a smile in the face of kids and adults in our neighborhood.

Enjoy helping others. Keep it up!

Salamat dong

Insyaallah... allah bless him and US all...