The Diary Game!!!Better Life!!!04 JAN 2021!!!@MalikMehbob

in hive-104522 •  3 years ago 


I begin with the blessed name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. We worship Him and seek help from Him.

Peace be upon all the friends and brothers of the Urdu community. I hope you all will be good friends and will be enjoying the winter. By the grace of Allah Almighty, I am fine. May Allah protect us from every difficulty and calamity that befalls us



Friends, today I will tell you about my past day. Today I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning. After waking up, I have used the washroom. After that I performed ablution. And then I prayed. I prayed at home today. Why, when I woke up today, it was raining lightly. So I thought, I do not go to pray. Today I pray at home. I have prayed. And then after praying I have picked up my mother.


Mom got up and then went out to the kitchen. And she started making breakfast for us. Wash your hands and face and come and have breakfast. I have picked up all my brothers and told them to come and have breakfast. They will all get up and go to wash their hands and face. After washing our hands and face we Everyone will go to the kitchen. Sitting there, all of us brothers and sisters have had breakfast. After having breakfast, I have picked up all the utensils and gone and given them to my mother.






After breakfast I went out. There I started chatting with the boys. I have been sitting with them for a long time. We have been talking here and there. When I finished talking to them. So i'm back home when i'm home And I went out to mow the lawn. Going there, I cut a bundle of hay. And then I loaded it on my motorcycle and came back home.


When I got home, I put the grass in front of the animals. And I put the rest of the grass inside. After that I washed my hands and face. And when I came back, I sat on the bed. Son, let me get some bread for you. So I told my mother to bring me some bread. My mother warmed the food. And then she came and gave me food. I ate and then I I have rested for a while. Then when the call for Zuhr has started. Twin has performed Wudhu. When I came home, my mother told me. Son, go to the shop and get some vegetables from there. I said ok I will go






I have gone to the market again. And from there I have taken one kg of cabbage. Cabbage is very cheap nowadays. You can get 2 kg for 50 rupees. I have bought 2 kg of cabbage. And I have come home. I gave it to my mother. And then my mother told me that the tea is ready. Drink the tea and then bring some gas from the market. Why the weather is very bad today. And the gas has run out. And then I went to refill the gas. I went there and filled 4 kg of gas. And I came home. Gas Quinn kept the house. And then I went out. There I played volleyball with the boys. I have been playing. When evening has come I have come home. I have washed my hands after coming home. And then I have eaten dinner. After that my mother has made me green tea. I have drunk tea. And then he started writing diaries like his day



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Specal Thanks Tooo

@YousafHaroonKhan @Urducommunity

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Apny b diary bhot achi likhi he

Thank you


ماشاءاللہ آپ نے اپنی ڈائری بہت تفصیل سے لکھی ہے

شکریہ آپ کا جناب

Mashallah apki diary bht achi hoti h

Thank you