My photography 28/8/2021

in hive-104522 •  4 years ago 

Hello friends, how are you? I hope all is well. I am also fine by the grace of Allah. I pray, O Allah, thank you for giving us a new morning with good health. O God, protect our faith, life, wealth, honor and dignity. Every morning, may God have mercy on us all, and may happiness be our destiny. And may Allaah help us to get halal sustenance. May peace and health be with every member of our family. May Allah bless you all with all the blessings of the universe and may Allah protect you all from all that is better for us to avoid. May Allah help us all to create facilities for the people


Friends, today I went to my friend's house and there we made pictures of the poppy crop which I am sharing with you.


Specal thanks for sporting


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نواز بھائی آپ نے سبز ماحول کے اچھے فوٹو بنائے ہیں

نواز بھاٸی آپ فوٹوگرافی اچھی کرلیتے ہو

آپ نے سر سبز و شاداب ماحول کی بہت اچھی فوٹو گرافی کی ہے

Bhai ap ne photo achy bnaye hain