Natural environment- A prerequisite blessing of nature

in hive-104522 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Natural environment is a real synonym for pure environment. Nature has created every portion of this universe in pure form. Purity and erose are quite interlinked. A healthy life of every living thing depends on pure environment.
Pure natural environment is the right of every child. Children that are provided natural environment , develops into healthy personalities.
Nature is like a mother for every child. Every children wants natural environment.
Inherent natural environment rights of every child includes.
From inception to birth, the mother of child should
1 Breath in pure air
2 Eat healthy food
3 Drink pure water
4 Have noiseless environment.
Natural environment provides resources for the development of strong bones and muscles. When children play in natural environment, their immunity is boosted.
Industrial revolution proved a disaster for natural environment. Burning of fossil fuels at enhanced rate is pouring bulk of carbon di oxide concentration in atmosphere that has destroyed the natural balance of atmosphere.
Population explosion is another factor that is devastating the natural environment. More population means more commodities needed for the fullfillment of basic needs, which in turn means more pollution.
International organization are to take steps to mitigate environment deteriorating factors, but these should be more vigilant.
Every person has a rule to play. It is our utmost duty to take measures so that our future generations can live in healthy environment..
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