New Google Update Rolling Out This Week Introduces a Brand New Ranking Signal

in hive-105215 •  2 years ago 

There is a new Google Update being released this week called the "Helpful Content Upate". This algorithm update introduces a brand new ranking signal which is applied site-wide to determine if the majority of content on a website helpful or not. The more unhelpful content a website has the more likely it is to suffer ranking demotions, the more helpful content a website has the more likely it is to increase in rankings and gain more traffic.

Read more here: Everything We Know About Google’s Helpful Content Update

Websites can improve their helpful content standing by removing or noindexing unhelpful content or by adding more helpful content across their site. Pages can be deemed unhelpful by Google even if they have helpful content on them if the majority of the content or focus of the content itself is unhelpful.

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