My Quarantine Story

in hive-105727 •  5 years ago  (edited)


I woke up this morning thinking about the type of seeds I was going to drop on Earth today. Will I be sharing insights and thoughts about Splinterlands? Steem? Hive? Life? Money? Corona Virus? Speaking of COVID19, its very ugly, I'll go into it but not in this post, I can't mix the energy, lets just see how it goes. My Dad came to my room earlier to ask me if I was interested in going to look around the street to have a view of whats happening, after the state government has ordered for a lockdown.

I happily declined, apparently he said its what he would have done when he was way younger, I asked him why, he said for the adventure of it. He doesn't find me adventurous. Sorry to disappoint him, I'm laying in bed and boiling egg in the kitchen, writing and waiting for the egg to be done so I can come back to my bed and continue writing. I cannot in any way find such activity interesting not to talk about adventurous.

Its funny how our ideas of adventure are totally different, maybe its the disparity in the time of our generation. I woke up and did a few things then I went straight up to Hive's trending, checked my feed, curated and left comments, next thing on my mind was to write, even before eating. I binged through my twitter feed, it was all about COVID19, then I read that Nigeria intends to print excess naira notes like the U.S.A to cater to combating the pandemic and I'm thinking, can things get any worse?

The funny thing is that the people in charge will fill their pockets and trade the money for dollars, we've seen it happen times and times, its the same corrupt system that put us in the situation of having only 6 testing sites in 36 states, the same corrupt system that embezzled funds for building proper health facilities, its the same corrupt people who have bribed their ways to occupy the position in charge of such development to have control of those funds for their selfish reasons.




If the government were to be responsible and active, the shutdown will have been put in place since the beginning of March, but as at last week sunday, people were still gathering in different religious centers of worship and social groups in multitudes and acting like nothing was wrong!

In the world now, the worst cases are coming from Italy, then USA followed by other places, because of their ability to carry out mass testing and take correct data. I can bet the rate of Nigerians already carrying the virus is just as much but because of our inability to get tested, we can only come up with vague numbers like this and act like we have super powers to repel the virus.

This is the latest update coming from the Nigerian center for disease control NCDC, with the way the virus spreads, In a country of over 190 million people, anyone with a brain can tell how doomed the Nation is if a cure is not found soon, especially with the fact that there are only 6 test labs in the country, its sad and funny lol.


So the state governments have initiated a lockdown, not like there are measures to quarantine the streets or anything, this one is just to enforce social distancing. People are saying stock up stock up, I don't get it, most of what we consume are perishable goods, there's hardly any electricity to power the refrigerators, the goods will perish in no time, so if no one is selling perishable goods, how do we survive? What about people who rely on the sales of these goods for their livelihoods? This is the wrongest time to be poor in Nigeria.

The Alibaba foundation sent goods to Nigeria few days ago, the plane landed in Lagos and the goods were transferred to Abuja for what reasons exactly? The Presidency and his family and the entire cabinets and their family?


The testing kits and other equipments landed here in Lagos, skipped here, skipped here and flew all the way here.

Its crazy isn't it? I'm a total indoor person anyway, except that I had difficulty breathing yesterday night, no fevers or headaches or any Covid symptom, it just felt like I couldn't get enough air into my lungs, I slept on it anyway and woke up fine this morning. Could my mind be playing tricks on me? Or could I actually......? No Godforbid!!

I didn't want to make this post about Covid19, but hey here we are. I'm on lockdown with my Dad who's probably watching Jumong and reading whatsapp messages. The streets are empty, I need to get food items later in the day, I'll share pictures of what my surrounding look like later in the day. I'd continue reading, curating, writing and sleeping till something comes up. Maybe play Splinterlands.

The entire situation is funny to me, look how countries are coming together and raising resources to combat the pandemic, how often do we see this same amount of energy in controlling terrorism or resolving wars between countries or eradicating poverty.

Its funny how just in January, the top of the news was how Trump pumped 3Trillion dollars into a nuclear weapon while preparing to attack Iran. Oh so people are allowed to kill other people but when a virus is killing people everybody can come together to kill the virus only to go back to killing people again. Its funny.
Humanity needs to be quarantined.

Thank you for reading, stay safe.


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