In general, people with disabilities (disabilities) are often seen as a marginalized community so that their rights are marginalized which results in a lack of care and awareness of others about the presence of people with disabilities.
Persons with disabilities have special life dynamics with the conditions they are experiencing. Weaknesses that are never expected as a form of efforts for persons with disabilities to be able to make their lives harmonious.
Persons with disabilities should not only be pitied, but loved ones, just like people with disabilities love others. Many people with disabilities are not assisted in their lives, but they help others. Persons with disabilities are also able to show their strengths so that they are not only seen as weak individuals.
People with disabilities in turn can be a source of inspiration in living life for those who want to learn from them. One of the lessons we can learn is from an article posted in a Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities "Why Physical Disabilities Are Not Accepted But Moral Disabilities Are Accepted." Writing that has deep meaning in the midst of the life of Indonesian society which is increasingly in a moral crisis.
This writing is an analogy that it is easier to accept people who have bad morality than accept people with disabilities. The writing is also the result of a real experience of a person with a disability in living his life until the end of his life. The illustration of the explanation is as follows.
People with disabilities with all their shortcomings are not accepted by society because the procedures cannot function properly in life. With the common shortcomings, feelings of shame and inferiority so that people with disabilities try to equip themselves with the self-healing process, self-empowerment, and even the physiotherapy process. Those who have developed the motivation to declare themselves, and to others that "EVEN THOUGH MY STATE IS THIS, I CAN" can gracefully accept real life. Even though it is like that, it is not easy for persons with disabilities to be accepted in society.
There are still objections to being able to work in an agency, public school, or even in social relations in everyday life just because of a physical disability. Compare it with people who have morally flawed people, such as people who like to berate others, look down on others, take advantage of others for personal gain. At a greater level, those who commit corruption, often skip work or are undisciplined, and divide society are more easily accepted in society.
They can work as unpaid teachers, can go to school wherever they want, and are freer from society. There have been many examples of cases in this country that show this. Those who were corrupt in a short time seemed to have been forgotten by society so that they could continue their lives as usual. Likewise an example of cases of porn videos, cases of extortion, cases of murder, and the like.
Maybe the community still remembers but as if yes, the past and now have changed. Victims who support persons with disabilities, because of their physical disabilities will be stigmatized for a long time even during their life.
It is an afterthought for us, with their physical disabilities that do not harm others and only because they are different from people who do not have physical disabilities, they are treated unequally to people who are morally disabled but do not have physical disabilities.