How do you raise your child without hitting? Punishment is as much as error .. Here are the methods of modern education

in hive-105965 •  4 years ago 

Many new parents may ask about correct modern parenting methods and the foundations for dealing with children, and about the best way to educate without beating or violence, which we will talk about in our report.

The pain of childbirth is forgotten, it goes away after a period of memories, and the longer and more challenging journey begins, raising the child without resorting to methods that unintentionally destroy his personality, whether physically or even psychologically.

Hitting the child, for example, is a method used by previous generations in various parts of the world, but does this method really work in our time? Is not a proper physical, mental and intellectual education and upbringing of a child suitable except by hitting?
Many new parents may wonder about the foundations of correct parenting and ways to deal with children, and about the best way to educate without beating or violence, which we will talk about in our report.

Child rearing .. what is it?

Child upbringing is defined as the process of supporting the child, enhancing his affection, raising him and raising him in a sound and normal physical, mental and intellectual formation.

Grandparents used different methods of raising children in the past. Some of them relied on verbal or physical violence, or both, as a means of education, but nowadays, many parents are proud of raising their children and bringing them up free from methods of punishment and discipline, unlike what was used to raise grandparents in the past.

However, there are still cases in which a child is abused under the pretext of "education".

As for modern education methods, they are the ones that balance the two things, and among the important tips for the proper upbringing, education and upbringing of the child are the following:

Differentiate between hitting, violence and punishment

Punishment is an educational method, whose aim is to discipline the child and learn not to repeat the mistakes he has made, while the concepts of beatings and violence are used to denote assault motivated by revenge, and this is far from the concepts and endeavors of education.
Many parents do not differentiate between the concepts of beatings, violence and punishment, to the extent that they raise their children in such a way that the methods of punishment have no place, which contributes to the consolidation of a wrong concept among the child. The effect is that he does not make mistakes, and that his every action is right.
Therefore, parents should be aware of the difference between these concepts. To be able to use it in education, not to be punished.

The balance between softness and intensity in speech

There are many methods of education, including ancient and modern ones, and the useful ones are what enables the child to learn in depth. To be a good individual later, he treats people with poise and wisdom.
That is why the fathers should follow the style of severity and firmness in their speech. Just as their grandparents did, without neglecting the soft side of talk and persuasion; For the child to grow up educated about the citizens of softness and intensity, and the method of persuasion and influence.

Breeding without hitting

Spanking is one of the methods that have significant impacts and consequences. Whether on the physical or psychological side, if it goes outside the limits of discipline and the reasonable foundations that can be applied.
It may lead to the collapse of the child's personality and psyche, which affects and shatters his future. Parents wonder about methods of discipline and punishment that can replace beating, and they are confused in this regard.

But in all cases, hitting the child must be avoided under any circumstances. Because the child does not realize what he is doing, does not distinguish between right and wrong, and does not intend to make mistakes. And for that, he should not be punished with beatings.

Modern education methods and alternatives to violent punishment
There are many effective methods of punishment in raising a child, including:

1- Timeout

If your child does not play well, cries a lot, or makes a lot of noise, prepare a place for him and ask him to sit quietly for a minute for each year of his life.

At first he will refuse it, but with your insistence time after time he will get used to it.

(This time out does not have to be in the child's room, where the games around him are everywhere, and it should not become the only method of punishment, there are better ways) Try to have that corner in a place in the house where there is nothing in his surroundings that could harm the child himself And in the vicinity of your sight.

2- The Seasons Fund

If the child causes a great disturbance to one of his games and does not listen to your instructions and requests for calm or causes a toy to cause harm, take it away from him, then put it in a box that I give a name to it, let it be (the Season Box), and those games come out only on Friday.

The game that your child refuses to clean behind, tries to break, or that gets caught up in and ignores your food call, loses it.

It is worth noting that consistently applying the punishment is essential, and if you punish your child for something, do not ignore it the next two times, then the child will not take the threats seriously.

3- Compensation for wasting time

If your child wastes someone's time with his troubles and actions, have him do some tasks for them to compensate for the wasted time.

If he causes him to waste his lunch, you have to make him clean the dishes, just try to teach him that he is responsible for his actions, and that every mistake he commits has repercussions and an impact on others.

(Note: the punishment must be as much as the mistake, so the size and time of punishment should not be exaggerated.)

4- An apology does not always return friendliness

While believing in the importance of an apology and the expression (I am sorry), this sentence does not always come from the heart.
If you ask your child to apologize to his sister for ice cream, he will most likely have to lie.
But better than that, try to ask him about what he loves most about his sister, and then ask him to tell her that himself, as this is much better than a hollow embellished apology.

(Set your own family's rules, and punish your children for not sticking to them.)

5- Do not use the arbitration whistle

There are permanent quarrels in your house between your children? You always have to arbitrate between them and use your motherly or parental powers to separate them and pressure the younger to listen to the words of the elder?

Don't do this, just ask your children to enter their rooms and not go out until they reach a satisfactory solution for you and them.

(Create a system of punishment that is appropriate for your child's age. Your 14-year-old is not forced to sleep at seven in the evening because his six-year-old brother does so).

6- Ignore

Ignoring the child teaches other ways to vent his feelings and desires instead of screaming and hitting the ground with his feet, and it teaches the child to get rid of those behaviors that he performs to attract attention such as: whining, tantrums, repeating the question, so without an audience or listeners there is no benefit from these actions.

7- Praise

You cannot isolate, ignore, or punish your child without giving him some attention beforehand and praising his positive actions.

If the child finds you ignoring his positive actions, he will have to do the opposite to attract attention. This is called positive parenting, which gives stimuli to the behaviors you want.

And always remember that children want to please parents and get their attention in various ways, so thanking the child because he plays with his brother or sister, or because he put his toys in their place, or just because he shares sweets with his siblings is something that encourages good behavior.

Perhaps this policy works for adults as well, all you have to do is try it!

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Very good

It is really refreshing to know these tips. I believe that stay at home parents can pay much heed to their child's interests and make things work for them. But at the same time, they shouldn't spoil their children to the extent that they become uncontrollable in the future. So, keeping a low yet restrictive hand is much too important.