Preventing child neglect and abuse

in hive-105965 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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You can also to help children everyday. Parents takes care of his children. State and local governments, community.
organizations, and private citizens take action.
every day to protect children. Parents needs to meet her children and understand these.likely to provide safe and healthy homes for their children. When parents lack this support or feel
isolated, they may be more likely to make poor decisions that canon .This provides information on how
communities, community leaders, and individual
citizens can strengthen families, protect
children, and prevent child abuse and neglect.

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Protective factors are assets in families and communities.
that increase the health and well-being of children.
Protective factors help parents who might be
at greater risk of abusing or neglecting their children. use resources, supports, or coping strategies that allow them to parent effectively, even under stress. Focusing
on family strengths allows parents to build resilience develop parental skills, and gain knowledge of resources.that can decrease exposure to risks.

children feel compassion and warmth for eachother.
parents are better able to provide positive well as support the healthy physical, social, and emotional development of their children.

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It's so touchy. I believe that now a days, parents are so busy that they don't feel what their children are feeling. In this case, a comprehensive and well-to-do parenting plan is significant to keep everything aligned.