Dealing with Laziness

in hive-106183 •  2 months ago 
Assalamoalaikum! How are you all I hope everyone is fine.Today I'm here to participate in contest arranged in Shine with Steem by @hive-106183

so lets start,

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What do you do to deal with laziness?

Dealing with laziness is something we all face at times. What works for me is breaking tasks down into the smaller or manageable steps. When something feels overwhelming it is easy to procrastinate so I start with just one a small action.


I also set clear the achievable goals for each day which gives me to a sense of accomplishment as I check them off. Sometimes i a change of environment helps moving to a different room or to going outside can be re energize me. I also remind myself of the reasons behind what I need to do for focusing on the long term benefits. Lastly will I try to be kind to myself. It is okay to have lazy moment but getting back on the track is what really matters.

What methods or techniques do you use to reduce laziness and fatigue in yourself?

To combat laziness and fatigue I focus on the maintaining a healthy routine. Regular exercise even if it is just a short walk helps boost my energy levels and also clears my mind. Staying hydrated and eating balanced meals throughout the day also it keeps me from feeling sluggish.


When I start to feeling fatigued that I take short breaks to recharge sometimes just to stepping away from work for a few minutes or to stretching makes a big difference. Prioritizing good sleep is crucial too I aim for the consistent sleep patterns. I also try to stay organized making to do lists and for setting realistic goals which prevents overwhelm and keeps me motivated. By keeping a balanced approach I find it easier to stay by productive and energized.

Are humans lazy by nature?

Humans are not inherently lazy by nature but we are in wired to conserve energy. Our brains often to prioritize immediate comfort over long a term goals which can sometimes make us seem lazy. However this tendency is more about the survival instincts from our early ancestors where the conserving energy was crucial. In todays world with so many distractions and comforts it is easier to fall into the patterns of procrastination or inactivity. But when we are motivated by a purpose or passion we can overcome this natural inclination. So while we will might have a tendency toward laziness in certain situations it is not a defining trait it is something we can manage and to redirect with the right mindset and habits.


At what time of day do you feel most lazy or sluggish?

I often feel the most lazy or a sluggish in the mid afternoon usually around 2 or 3 p.m. This is a common time for an energy levels to dip often referred to as the afternoon slump.After lunch as the digestion kicks in and the initial energy from the morning starts to wear off I tend to feel more as tired and less motivated.


It is like my body is signaling that it needs a break. To combat this I usually take an a short walk or grab a healthy snack and even just step away from work for a few minutes. These small actions help me to regain focus and push through the rest of the day with more energy.

Are you one of those people who can get out of bed on their own or one of those who snooze the alarm a thousand times? Tell us how you start your morning.

I am more of a snooze the alarm a few times kind of person. Waking up to immediately is not my strong suit so I usually set my alarm a little earlier than the necessary to give myself that extra time to slowly wake up.


Once I finally get out of the bed I like to start my morning with a glass of water to rehydrate and then i will either stretch or do some light exercise to shake off the grogginess. I also enjoy to taking a few quiet moments to plan my day and also set some intentions. Starting slowly helps me ease into the day so by the time I am fully awake and I am ready to take on whatever comes my way.

I hope everyone like it

I'll invite @noortatima @tripple-e and @patjewell to participate in this contest.


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