SLC S21W2/Physical Activity for Child Development

in hive-106183 •  4 months ago  (edited)
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Today Friday (November 8, 2024) while waiting for school to end on Friday I played with some students in class. Of course spending time with children is very entertaining and also fun.

🙋‍♂️ What kind of physical activity did you choose, what was it about?


Salman after running climbed onto the table

I took Lutfia Zahra (9) and her brother Muhammad Salman Al farisi (7) to do some first aid physical activities. This physical activity is a combination of the three physical activities, aerobik, anaerobik, and Endurance physical activity.

Salman is a very active child and likes to run, he even likes to jump off the table. Of course I am very worried if an emergency occurs, I hope that if an emergency occurs either at home or anywhere that requires help they can take first aid measures.

The activity we did today was very simple, namely a lesson on lifting victims to be evacuated to a safer place, this lesson requires physical activity that relies on the strength of the legs, hands and other body parts.

By doing this exercise students can know that the correct way to lift victims in the event of an emergency, lifting by carrying from the front will certainly be very difficult to move, besides lifting victims from the front has a heavier load and has difficulty in moving.

So teaching them how to lift the victim from the back can help them lift the victim more easily, and they will not feel difficult and heavy when lifting the victim.

🤦‍♂️ What changes did you observe in the children during and after the activity, do you think they spent all their energy?


👆👆👆 Watch the video here, ▶️ YouTube

This activity has provided a significant change so that students can carry out first aid activities if an emergency occurs to their younger siblings at home or to their friends at school.

In addition, they also realized that lifting the victim from the back by carrying him/her is easier to do and they do not find it difficult to lift the victim.

Even with the method that has been taught, students can lift victims while running, although I myself did not teach them to lift victims by running but can be done by walking. This is so that the helper and the victim remain safe and do not fall.

I observed that after doing this activity the students did not spend too much energy, in fact they could do it while running and they both felt comforted knowing this lesson.

🤷‍♂️ Do you think that the children are having fun in addition to exercising?


The first attempt when lifting the victim in the wrong way, the student felt the burden.

I observed that the children had fun after doing this activity, what made them happy? They thought it was something magical how when they first tried to lift the victim by carrying him from the front they found it difficult, but after lifting him from the back it really felt very light.

In addition, this activity also makes the victim who is carried feel very happy, the victim feels like he is riding a horse.

🧘‍♂️Tell us about your experience doing this physical activity

Doing this activity certainly provides valuable experience to the child and myself, I am happy to see them both still smiling happily and laughing even though in the end they fell after doing this activity, today's incident hopefully becomes a valuable experience for them to always be careful and not in a hurry.

From this experience I reminded the children to always be careful, I gave an illustration to the children by giving a simple example that is easy for them to understand, I explained that what if when falling earlier the victim's head hit the table? The helper's head hit a sharp object? So stay alert and don't repeat the same mistake. That's our story today, hopefully it will inspire you.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @fantvwiki @sriiza @kouba01

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Greetings 🙏 @miftahulrizky

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It's nice that they get new useful things, and they will remember this, of course.
In certain conditions and situations with unexpected circumstances, actions like this need to be understood by children to be able to do it.

Good luck in your participation.

Benar sekali, dalam kondisi tertentu dan keadaan darurat tanpa pengawasan orang tua anak diharapkan mampu melakukan tindak evakuasi.

Anak-anak sangat senang melakukan hal itu. apalagi main gendong menggendong.

Bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu yang gak boleh main beginian ya. wkwk

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⭐️Verificado en: 09-11-2024
