What you need to know about the popular Cancer Disease

in hive-106951 •  3 years ago 

I think we have been hearing about the word and disease called cancer and we have been wondering what is really that disease. Though many of us have been hearing about it but few of us really have the deep understanding about it.

Today I will be going deeper in revealing to us how and what we need to know about the cancer disease.


If we are hearing about the cancer disease, it is associated to abnormal cells.

These abnormal cells are called cancer cells, malignant cells or cancer cells.

These cells can infiltrate normal body tissues. Many cancers and the abnormal cells that make up cancer tissues are identified by the name of the tissue from which the abnormal cells originated (for example, breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer). Cancer is not limited to humans. Animals and living things can be infected with other cancers.

The diagram below shows normal cell division and how cells can be damaged or changed without repairing their systems. It also explains what happens when these damaged or unrepaired cells do not die, become cancerous and exhibit uncontrollable division and growth-a large number of cancer cells develop.

Normally, cancer cells can break away from this primitive cell cluster, pass through the blood and lymphatic system, and reside in other organs, where they can repeat an uncontrolled growth cycle. This process is called cancer cells leave one area by metastasis and grow in another area of ​​the body.

For example, if breast cancer cells spread to the bone, it means that the individual has breast cancer that has metastasized to the bone. It is different from "bone cancer", which means that the cancer starts in the bones.


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What are Possible Causes Reasons that Can result to the cancer Disease

Anything that can cause abnormal growth of normal body cells can cause cancer. Many things can cause cell abnormalities and are related to the development of cancer. The cause of some cancers is still unknown, while other types of cancer are caused by the environment or lifestyle, or by multiple known causes.

Some may be affected by the evolution of a person's genetic makeup. Due to the combined effect of these factors, many patients will develop cancer.

The following is a list of the main reasons, not exhaustive, because as research progresses, specific reasons are often added:

(1). Contact with chemical or toxic compounds:

(2). Uranium, radon, sunlight ultraviolet radiation, alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray sources radiation pathogen:

(3). Human nipple Oncovirus (HPV), EBV, or Epstein-BarrViruses, hepatitis B and C viruses, herpes viruses are related to Kaposi's sarcoma (KSHV), Merkel cell paralysis virus, schistosomiasis and Helicobacter pylori; other bacteria are being studied as potential drugs.

(4). Genetics: Many specific cancers are related to human genes, as shown below: ovary, colon, rectum, prostate, skin, and melanoma. Specific genes and other details are outside the scope of this general article, so readers can refer to the National Cancer Research Institute for more information about genetics and cancer.

It should be noted that everyone has risk factors for cancer and is exposed to carcinogens (for example, sunlight, secondary cigarette smoke, X-rays), but many people do not develop cancer. In addition, many people’s genes are related to cancernBut they did not develop it. why?

In addition, people who are genetically linked to cancer will not develop cancer for similar reasons (lack of motivation to make genes work). In addition, some people's immune response may be enhanced, which can control or eliminate cancerous cells.

There is evidence that even certain lifestyles may play an important role in cooperating with the immune system to allow or prevent the survival of cancer cells. For these reasons, it is difficult to attribute specific causes of cancer to many people. Recently, other risk factors that may increase the risk of cancer have been added to the list.

Specifically, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has listed red meat (such as beef, lamb, and pork) as a high-risk substance for cancer; in addition, processed meat (salted, smoked, cured and/or treated) is a carcinogen List. People who eat a lot of fried meat will also increase the risk due to the compounds formed at high temperatures. Other unspecified conditions that may increase the risk of certain cancers include obesity, lack of exercise, chronic inflammation, and hormones, especially hormones used in replacement therapy.

Other items such as mobile phones haveIt has been studied a lot. In 2011, the World Health Organization classified the low-energy radiation of mobile phones as possible "carcinogens", but the extremely low level of risk puts mobile phones at the same risk as caffeine and pickled vegetables. It is difficult to prove that a substance will not increase The risk of cancer, or it’s not related.

For example, some researchers believe that antiperspirants may be related to breast cancer but not others. The official position of the National Cancer Institute is that “further research is needed to investigate this association And other factors that may be involved.

Other similar claims require extensive and expensive research, which can never be completed. The reasonable advice is to avoid a large number of compounds, Even those compounds that have little to do with cancer, although this may be difficult to do in a modern, complex, and technologically advanced society.


Today I have been able to establish the fact about the introduction to the concept to the cancer disease and also we have been able to talk and touch about the possible various causes of cancer disease, in my next post I will be going deeper on how to prevent cancer and also how to treat cancer i.e whether cancer can be treated or not.



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Majority of people suffer from this cancer disease whereas they are not aware of the precautions and cure but this article has serve as an eye opener

Most of the cancer affecting us can be prevented if we eat balance diet food and avoid the things we are to avoid.