in hive-106951 •  3 years ago 


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Just what are free radicals ? A free radical is a molecule with an unpaired election. Unpaired electrons are very unstable, and highly tractive. They actively seeking out and attack other molecules in an effort to steal one of their elections so they can balance their pairs. This of course turns that molecule in to a free radical, which is now unbalanced and needing another pair. The end esult is often a chain reaction altering the structure of millions of molecules in a matter of nanoseconds ( a nanosecond is a billionth of a second) by tearing holes through cellular membranes creating havoc with the nuleic acids, proteins and enzymes inside. Collectively, these attacks are known as oxidative stress, and they are capable of causing cell to lose their structure their function damaging the DNA and enzyme system and eventually destroying them. This is what disease and the aging process is all about.


Can you feel the effect of free radical damage? Not immediately, but unless you take the necessary steps to help counteract these unrelating attacks from free radicals, you run the risk of allowing cumulative damage to your tissues joints. Organ systems and blood vessels. And you can feel these effects.

Overall, free radicals have been implica ated in the development of at least 50 disease! A partial list includes arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, kidney disease, cataracts, inflammatory blowel disease, colitis, lung difunction; pancreatitis; drug reaction, skin lesions and aging to mention a few.


IUPAC Gold Book radical (free radical) PDF
Hayyan, M.; Hashim, M.A.; Anjkut, I.M. (2016).

Superoxide Ion: Generation and Chemical Implication. Chem. Rev. 116 (5): 3029–85. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00407. PMID 26875845.

Clayden, Jonathan; Greeves, Nick; Warren, Stuart G. (2012). Organic chemistry (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-927029-3. OCLC 761379371.

Diacyl Peroxides. polymerdatabase.com. Retrieved 2020-12-08.
IV. Nonchain

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Nice article keep it up