Supernatural influence, a myth or reality?

in hive-106951 •  4 years ago 


Supernatural powers is the term used to describe fictional entities and sometimes religious men, who have the ability to manipulate space-time and the elements of matter. But because the heart of men cannot be read, it is often difficult to verify the claims made by those who perform these ‘Miracles’ and their recipients. This has left this field of existence in the world of myths, only to be accessed by those who have a mind powerful enough to conjure its possibility and a heart gullible enough to believe it.


However, in recent years, Scientists have ventured into this field, on a mission aimed at establishing the fact that there is indeed a connection between man, his activities and the creation of this physical world we call reality.
One of such experiments was conducted in 1995 and published in a book titled ‘vacuum DNA phantom effect in-vitro and its possible rational explanation’.

In this experiment DR. PP Gariaev and his colleagues discovered an interesting fact. They put a human DNA molecule into a vacuum containing small amounts of photons, only to observe that the previously scattered photons in the presence of DNA molecules arranged themselves around the DNA to take its shape and geometry, this arrangement remained in the vacuum for many days even after the DNA molecule had been removed.


Just to be sure, they repeated the experiment with other forms of matter but failed to get the same result as they got with the DNA.

To make sense of this, I have to define certain terms first, What is a Vacuum?

Simply put, a vacuum is any space that lacks air molecules or Matter.

Back in those days, scientists were disturbed by the fact that they couldn’t produce a vacuum that was devoid of photons.


Photons are tiny particles of light, they are to light what Atom is to matter.
These scientists noticed that even after removing all other forms of particles from the vacuum, little amounts of scattered photons would still exist in the vacuum.

Some scientists then seized this opportunity to find out what happens when a DNA molecule is left alone with light. The result is what we call Phantom DNA EFFECT and it has been interpreted in various forms. However, for this write-up, I will focus on one of such explanations.

‘The relationship between life and the Physical Universe’

DNA stands for Deoxy-Ribonucleic acid, it is a polymer of nucleotides arranged into a double helix structure. the information of life is encoded by the pattern by which these nucleotides arrange themselves in the double helix(Ladder-like Structure).

Each nucleotide is made up of a Deoxyribose sugar for DNA and a Ribose sugar for RNA, coupled to a phosphate group and a nitrogenous group.


There are 5 different nitrogenous bases, Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine Thymine, and Uracil. Each Nucleotide pairs with another via nitrogenous bases in an opposite manner to form the ladder-like structure, where Adenine always pairs with Thymine or Uracil in RNA and Guanine pairs with cytosine via a hydrogen bond.

Information about the entire growth and development of living things can be found there, ranging from when the cells should multiply, which tissue they should differentiate into, to the production of proteins of both structural and functional variety. Without the DNA living things like humans wouldn’t exist, so it is the fundamental piece of life

Concluding from the experiment above, one would see a direct influence coming from the fundamental particle of life on the fundamental particle of light, in such a magnitude that the DNA rearranges the geometrical orientation of these photons in space-time, thus making a photocopy of itself in space.

In another experiment, scientists discovered the relationship between human emotions and the state of their DNA. They did this by converting words of positive affirmation like, ‘I can make it and those of negative variety like ‘I can’t survive’ into vibrational waves, these waves were then passed into a vacuum containing DNA molecules. The results observed show that the positive waves made the DNA molecule unwind, and assumed a geometrical form which it takes before action in the body (production of proteins for cell division, growth, and development), whereas the negative waves made the DNA coil into a resting and inactive state.

These results prove that humans through their words which affect their emotions controls some of the activities of their DNA.

‘If emotions control our DNA and our DNA controls the photons of light which represent the physical universe, then humans do control certain aspects of nature’ Gregg Braden

Various other evidence of human interference with natural phenomena have also been observed, one of which is shown in the double-slit experiment, where the simple act of observation changes the behavior of light from particle-like to wave-like, as seen in the wave-particle duality of light.

Double slit Experiment

To end this research, here is my personal opinion on the matter.
Living things and non-living things are like 2 sides of a coin, one cannot exist without the other. So a man may have an enormous influence on natural outcomes and reality, we are just too occupied chasing material gains and trying to survive that we sometimes allow the link between us, nature, and the universe to diminish.

We are in the making, part of the universe, Electricity runs through our Nervous system, and Turbulence runs through our Blood vessels. Although we may sit at a place, we are constantly in motion with the rest of the universe through time, and in the end, our biological cells yield, to release that Energy running through our body.
Don’t forget this fundamental law of physics,
‘Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can change from one form to another’ conservation of Energy

And if you’ve not noticed, all forms of energy emit some form of light.

Thus it is no surprise to me when I discovered that those photons in the experiment above recognized and reunited with the DNA molecules.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you gained some knowledge as I did. Follow me for more of these…...


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DNA is very important in human life apart from the point given above some disease are transmitted to offspring through the gene which is in the DNA