What To Know about the world of Robots

in hive-106951 •  3 years ago 

Hello guys, I trust you guys are having a great day. Today I am here to discussed with you a very interesting topic we have been hearing about for so long which I believe it's not new to us. What is robots and in this series we will be trying to go as deep as we can to the robotics world. Stay tune


Robots are self-propelled machines that replace human efforts, even though humans appear to be different in appearance or function. By extension, robotics is an engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and operation of robots.

Robots are a product of the field of robotics, in which programmable machines are built that can help humans or imitate human behavior. Robots were originally designed to handle monotonous tasks (such as making cars on an assembly line), but since then they have gone beyond their original purpose and can perform tasks such as extinguishing fires, cleaning houses and assisting in extremely complex operations.

Each robot has different degrees of autonomy, ranging from human-controlled collisions to perform tasks that are completely controlled by individuals, to fully autonomous collisions that perform tasks without any external influence.

How to Identify A Robot

These robots are made of mechanical structures. The mechanical aspect of the robot helps to complete the task in its design environment.

For example, the wheels of Mars 2020 Rover are driven by a single motor and are made of titanium tubes, which helps it understand the difficult terrain of this red planet.


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The robot needs electronic components to control and drive the machine. Essentially, most robots require electricity (such as batteries). The robot has at least some computer programming. No set of instruction software will tell you what to do, the robot is just another simple machine.

When you insert the program into the robot, it can tell you when and how to perform the task. With the continuous development of artificial intelligence and software, we really need to see the prospects of the robotics industry as soon as possible. In the near future, due to the development of these technologies, robots will continue to become smarter, more flexible and more energy-efficient.

They will also continue to be an important focus of smart factories, where they will tackle more difficult challenges. They help protect the global supply chain. Although the robotics industry is relatively young, it is full of impressive prospects for progress that science fiction dreams of.

From the deepest part of our oceans to thousands of miles in outer space, robots will be found to perform tasks that humans can only dream of by themselves.

Classification of Robots

Mechanical bumpers are available in all shapes and sizes to effectively perform the job they were designed for. All robots differ in design, functionality and degree of autonomy. From the 0.2-millimeter "RoboBee" to the 200-meter "Vindskip" robot ship, robots are emerging to perform tasks that humans cannot do.

We have five types of Robots which we will be looking into below

1) Pre-programmed robots

Example of a pre-programmed botIt is a mechanical arm in a series of cars.

The lever has one function - welding the door, inserting a certain part into the engine, etc. - Its job is to perform the task for a longer time, faster and more efficiently than a human.

2) Humanoid robots

Humanoid robots are robots that resemble and/or mimic human behavior. These robots typically perform human-like activities (such as running, jumping, and carrying objects) and are sometimes designed to look like us, even with human faces and expressions.

Two of the most prominent examples of humanoid robots are Sophia of Hanson Robotics (in the video above) and Atlas from Boston Dynamics.

3) Autonomous robots

An example of an autonomous robot is the Roomba vacuum cleaner, which uses sensors to roam freely inhome.

4) remote robots

Television robots are semi-autonomous robots that use a wireless network to enable human control at a safe distance. These robots usually work in harsh geographical conditions, weather, conditions, etc.

Examples of remotely operated robots include human-controlled submarines used to solve underwater pipe leaks during the BP oil spill, or drones that detect landmines on the battlefield.

5) Additional Bots

Complementary robots improve capabilitiest present humankind or replace abilities that one may have lost. The robotics field of human expansion is one where science fiction could soon become a reality, with clashes that could redefine humanity by making people faster and stronger. Some examples of today's complementary robots are prosthetics or exoskeletons used to lift solid weights.


Today we have been able to pay the foundation on the introduction to robots, characteristics and also the types of Robots. In my next article, we will be going further deeper in looking the benefits of Robots to mankind stay tune.




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Very soon robot will cause lose of job for some people because people will start buying robot to replace them due to there high level of loyalty. You cannot bribe a robot it works based on what it has been program and they do not fall sick.

Yea a lot and this is the aspect many people are ignoring in our present age

Hello hey... hey good article I am a technology lover, the essence of mechanics and the first first robots comes from a long time ago in antiquity, from the Asian culture, as European, everything is advancing with technology to reach the likeness of the human being, make it simpler to where human beings can not reach, even in clinics there are robot assistant who attends emergencies, virtual robot programs, all thanks to the evolution of technology.

Great to hear you are a technology lover. Robots are advancing and most times I always wonder whether the world can leave without robots in the nearest future