Physics is a word originated from the greeks which means the knowledge of nature. Physics deals with fundamentals like properties of matter and nature of particles and the relationship between one energy from with another, How things move,how kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy.
Physics answer the question how, how things move the way they do how gravity keeps us down the way it does. Physics is without question the most important field of science i mean could you imagine physics was an aspect of our life that everyone is totally ignorant of? No cars no plane no projectile, visual how difficult life would have been the world migth still be in dark ages for all we know
Physics has a lot of branch
- Astro physics: An aspect of physics that deals with the propties of things in space
- Acoustics: An aspect of physocs that deals with sounds like how it travels at what speed e.t.c
- Astronomy: The study of space
- Atomic Physics: An aspect of physics that deals with the study of atom.
- Optics : An aspect of physics that deal with ligth amd how images are formed
- Geophysics: the study of the shape of earth
- Thermodynamics : An aspect of physics that deals with heat and its properties
They are quite a lot of branch of physics that i would not be able to cover if i wanted to, physics is a broad subject.
- Medicine
- Agriculture
- Transportation
Physics is applied to all aspects of life. I hope you enjoy reading my brief article