The search began since we were part of an idea, although we will never know exactly what emotional and mental state were in that instant where the creation determined a possible existence in our mother's womb.
We are the seed of a great genealogical tree in which multiple existences have been lived, each ancestor unknowingly was building a future where his genetic legacy would advance until the last Being decided to end that long road, stopping his need to procreate.
It is thus the imperious need to reach a place never seen or imagined, because from my descendants I must say that there were farmers from a distant land and distant to where I was born, and so it is with my children grandchildren and with those who continue to bear fruit on this earth, because we are part of a legacy and for reasons that I still find it hard to understand we do not allow ourselves to observe with the attention provided with real interest, because our existence is tiny before the genetic journey because we do not come from the air, we have a very distant active principle still looking in the branches of this immense tree.
Why delve into the unknown and perhaps hidden yesterday because lacking data we can only get to generations illustrated by yellowed photographs or memory by talks where even remember the name of a grandfather of our parents or maybe not even that information we possess.
In this reflection I try to give wings to the Being that today dwells in uncertainty and that everything seems to us a matter of personal misfortune for dwelling in the uneasiness or the karma of suffering? to find that everything is a struggle and that we cannot relax even in the necessary rest of the night, to see how time devours our existence when there is a small moment of well-being and when the hidden face of discomfort becomes present everything seems eternal, we must realize that from the ashes of a great forest razed by fire, life will germinate again, we see it almost daily when we see how from the thickness of the jungle, mountains and mountains dense with nature, we find great buildings devoured by what once was the domain of man.
We see how in the deep feeling of our Being we can loosen ourselves from the pain and release a smile and a tear drawing our own emotions for understanding that we are alive.
The back and forth is constant in this wheel called existence and that each Being leaves us a message even from the damage, because we are imperfect beings seeking to learn, even unaware that this is why we came to participate in this existential plane.
There will be very hard blows and even broken sooner or later we will walk again or seeking to validate our presence, we know well that the physical body is the vehicle and even with this vehicle very deteriorated we can be light in the most absolute darkness, let's look around us everything is borrowed even with a title that abale as ours, not all the love that we are given and that we give is something eternal, for the simple reason that it must be cultivated to see new fruits and that sooner or later will fall and everything must be re-greened to give its fruit again, because everything is ephemeral and our obligation is to look for that light called love, life and respect to continue lighting even in the midst of storms that try to evict our faith.
When we fall we do not fall alone, everything around us falls and if we do not seek to draw strength even if we are out of breath we will succumb to the agony of a premature goodbye, let us look carefully at those grandparents who are left alone in a nursing home and continue day by day trying to live, and in them we find that life is not measured by time of existence, it is measured by the simple reason that we are a link in a long succession and therefore we bring in our genetic memory much more than what we eventually represent in this existence ...
The slogan in this reflection is to establish that everything is teaching, even the most heartbreaking and intense pain, the answer to everything is in our will to achieve acceptance as a starting point to a transformation, because acceptance is not resignation, acceptance is to become aware that we have a time to achieve a task and that task is something very personal ... and necessary to achieve it ... Thank you immensely for reading what I humbly express.