My Depression

in hive-107252 •  3 years ago 

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'Depression' doesn't go away, just when I think that maybe I have sorted out the random life, maybe a problem like a gust of wind comes and makes everything random!

Family life is not right, relationship is not right, relationship and family life is not right, academic life is not right, everything is fine, financial problems come and go, it is also okay, someone gets sick suddenly, everything is fine, but there is not a drop of rest in life, just Running, eyes full of fatigue, no life !!

There seems to be nothing like a perfect life, everyone from the outside says, this is a beautiful life, what do you lack?
Sometimes it means lack of money, sometimes lack of time, sometimes lack of well-being, lack of love, lack of care or lack of a little sleep. Lack does not leave behind !!

My lacck, my inssecurity, my innadequacy, my depresssion - noo one willl understandd !!

'How are you?' - It is easy to say 'I'm fine' by lying in answer to the question. In return, there is no question, just say 'not good' 'why not good?' - He has to answer, and I don't know any words or sentences to answer that question !!

How many calculations, how many complexities, how many deprivations, how many struggles and how many silent cries are echoed inside this little head all the time - the sound of which no one else in the world can hear except me. 😊

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