My Phone Is Pregnant, So what🤷

in hive-107252 •  4 years ago  (edited)
I came to visit my dear friends @steemadi and @aneukpineung78 just for fun

my preggy phone, 4 years old but still working good

Hey Cici! What are you doing here? This is not a place where you can mess up with!

So what if I messed around here? Blame it on @steemadi who invited me🤣 what can you do about it, flag my post, mute my account, downvote my post?. Well.. it's your rights to do so🌿 feel free then👌 coz I respect and trust other's, there must be reasons if it's happened.

So, are you here to complain or seek for donation to buy a new phone?

Nope, I have nothing to complain and I don't need your help to buy a new phone either😁 I'm here to tell ya a crappy post and it has something to do with my preggy phone.

I bought it on 2017, but then I gave it to my hubby who lost his phone, we used one phone for both of us till I got an old used one for myself on September 2018 from My SIL and Hubby uses this

The richest person is the one who is contented with what he has

Robert C. Savage


For most people in the world right now, having a communication device such as smartphone is a must and for certain groups of people changing a high end smartphone are faster then changing clothes 😂 while in the other groups of people, too afraid to buy an expensive but good one because they're probably needs to extend their fasting month privately after that😁.

One of the most common human fears is scarcity. Many people are afraid of not having enough of whatever it is they need or want. They fool themselves into believing that one day they will have everything "all set" they will have money, possessions, love and success. But is anything really enough? Did anyone ever really arrive "there"?
✍️Cherie Carter-Scott✍️


When I saw that the phone battery is bloating and probably explode at anytime, I told him that he must watch over it. He must be thinking about buying a new one, but I doubted it. Even though I know he loves luxurious goods, but he won't force himself to have one when we have no fixed income for the last two years. We learn to appreciate what we have and work with it to the end.

My husband and I are not kinda people who loves certain things madly when we know it's not gonna work at all. We're willing to change the phone if we really need it. Beside, we both curious about the preggy battery🤣 who knows miracle happens, a newborn phone appears.

wants leads to choice, which leads to commitment. Should leads to decision, which leads to sacrifice

So, what's the points?

Actually, if you are going to view hardships that happen to you or the slip-ups you make as lessons rather than mistakes, a sense of humor will prove helpful. Yeaahh 🤣🤣 this preggy phone is one of the sources to laugh about for both of us 😁 I'm the one who keep laughing anytime I saw him tapping or talking on the phone🤭 it's just cute.

Humor and laughter are also tremendously important in relationships

I'm the one who always laugh at everything in our life, I only cry when I watch Korean drama or reading Chinese novel, though 😂. I told my husband that I'll buy a new phone when I earned enough in couple next months, but he told me "send them all to steem.amal if you want, I don't need you to buy me a phone, it would be better if I can make you preggy instead of this silly phone"😱

Most quotes in this Post, taken from this book

I'm out 🤣🤣


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karap salah baca, kupike droe neuh @cicisaja meunan-meunan, rupajih hape

Peu meunan2🤦 beuklam ta kereuja, supotnyou ka Hana meuteumeung seumayang uroë raya.

Saba....he he he

Laen pih han ta tepèu peugot...ta peugot khém mantông🤣🤣

Betoel, lon pih ka salah baca. ha ha ha

That sensitive sagoe nyan 😂

He he he


Kek nggak pernah tengok 😂

So peulaku teuma HP nyan sampo mume? Pu na roh saham Nyak Kaoy @isnorman?

HP = Hamili Perempuan nyoe?

Chop adeun @ayijufridar hana roh long, nyan sang buet charger hana paih colokan.

Hp black market 🤣

Hana daleh keu Nyak Kaoey nyan, itu buah kerja PLN dan kecerobohan sendiri. Teungoh ta charge pih tetap pehtem simalam beungoh, tak ada istirahat.

Gugat laju PLN nyan....

Ta preih lahee aneuk, nak jeut ta uji DNA baro ta gugat teuma🤣

Nyan kepotusan yang ilmiah. Teuma nyoe na DNA Nyak Kaoy dan Bang @zainalbakri, ka gawat lom.

Teuma nyoe na DNA Nyak Kaoy dan Bang @zainalbakri, ka gawat lom.

Nyan peukara nyang sangat mustahil terjadi, bek panick

mau ketawa takut dimarahin

Ketawa aja bang, tapi jangan besar2 😂

Uh, oh... that won't last for much longer.

Hahahaha... It's been few months, but I think I'll get it change before it exploded