Rainbow baby / motivational story

in hive-107252 •  3 years ago 

They say that after the storm calm always comes, this happened to me when I could already have my baby GABRIEL my rainbow baby at home. I will tell you I was full of fear of anguish when I found out about my pregnancy, I felt that I could not become fond of since my first baby I lost at 16 weeks of gestation for no reason in Venezuela my native country they always told me that I was fine but they never told me They said why I lost my baby I started doing meditations to calm my anxiety which helped me to connect with my inner self. I loved every second of my pregnancy every day, although with a bit of nerves.

Despite being a high risk mother for also having a not very common blood type O-RH NEGATIVE, each pregnant woman is given an injection to prevent her body from rejecting the baby in such case that he has a RH POSITIVE This is done at 28 weeks of gestation and before 72 hours after delivery to prevent any illness in the baby. This was not mentioned to me in my country, I am currently in Colombia. Here I received exclusive attention every month, they took blood tests for an analysis called Indirect Coombs, since in Venezuela they did not give me the injection, I was at high risk. Thank God and the universe, the tests were negative every month, that excited me, everything was going very well at 28 weeks, they gave me the first injection.

But for things that were not planned and I could not prevent they made me stop at 35 weeks of gestation and 3 days. My baby Gabriel was born with respiratory problems which they had to resuscitate, he was also with a respiratory infection and very low weight in my previous post I explain what was one of the reasons which brought forward his arrival. He was in the NEONATAL ICU for 11 days, 4 of them with oxygen. My baby was strong and very attached to life I love him and he was destined to fill my emptiness is my light my world. With this I want to tell you that no matter how difficult the situation is, do not lose faith and love every gift that life offers us. Love the good and the bad because there is always a rainbow after the storm.

Thanks friends for taking a few minutes to read a little about my baby Gabriel
IMG-20210512-WA0005.jpg neonatal icu

20210521_170459.jpgmy baby 3 weeks old

my baby with 4 months

Happy night says goodbye @clarigabriel

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