Create Your Own Stream of Consciousness

in hive-107252 •  3 years ago 

People are becoming more aware of the subconscious mind's mystical abilities. If you can moderately regulate your subconscious mind, you can further grow your ability and achieve life goals that you previously felt were unattainable. You can learn how to regulate your subconscious mind by following the steps below.

Create your own "stream of consciousness" by writing it down. Allow yourself 5 to 10 minutes to jot down any thoughts that come to mind. Continue to write, no matter how odd, dumb, or amusing your words can appear. What you write at the start might be conscious, but it will unconsciously reveal your subconscious thoughts. As a result, be patient; it will be difficult at first, but writing will become simpler as time goes on.


Master the art of meditation. Meditation can be done in a variety of ways, but the main goal is to focus, calm down, and then control the mind. Choose a meditation technique that is comfortable for you and practice it for a few minutes per day.

Recognize the subconscious mind's functioning process. The more you learn about the human brain, the more your brain will function and your life will change. You can study psychology, read Joseph Campbell's books, practise martial arts, and even pray and meditate.

Use constructive self-suggestion to help you feel better. You will finally fail if you keep telling yourself, "I can't do it, I'll surely fail." On the other hand, if you tell yourself, "I can, I believe I can," you are more likely to succeed. "Positive self-suggestion" is what it's called.

Follow your gut instincts. Intuition also comes before consciousness, warning you of dangers and opportunities. Simply obey your intuition if you have a feeling that this person or this thing isn't right. Intuition will frequently assist you in avoiding potential disasters.

To build the subconscious mind, use a variety of techniques. Guessing, for example, is a good way to improve the subconscious mind by making educated assumptions based on intuition. From the App Store on your iPhone, get the "Yes-No oracle" program. It will trigger your subconscious mind and assist you in making fast decisions when confronted with a difficult problem.

Finally, the trick is to trust in the power of subconscious control; it has the potential to fully transform your life. You are in charge of your own life, including your feelings, attitudes, emotions, and reactions, which are all under your control!

Develop a more positive outlook. Being an optimist is the only way to achieve happiness. Some people may seem to be naturally pessimistic, but it is this type of thinking that keeps you from being fast. You may not be able to change your circumstances, but you should still change your attitude and strive to see the bright side of things rather than dwelling on the negative.

You must learn to adjust your viewpoints in order to become positive. You must overcome negative feelings and think optimistically and rationally as they arise. Many times, negative feelings arise when you consider the "worst case scenario."
Associating with upbeat people will cause you to become infected.


Take note of the little things in life. You must learn to appreciate both the big and little stuff in life if you want to be happy. If your good friend sends you a funny text message, you can stop at any time to admire the beautiful flowers on the side of the road; buy a freshly baked cake in the coffee shop and sample its delicious taste; and if your good friend sends you a funny text message, you can stop at any time to admire the beautiful flowers on the side of the road. Take pleasure in it. These minor details may not seem important, but they do make you happy.

Set a target for yourself: every day, remember at least five little items that make you happy. Slowly, you'll begin to recognize this as normal, and you'll find yourself smiling about something you never considered to be so extraordinary before.

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