Many people with Major Depression report that a stressful event (such as the list below) triggered their first or second depressive episode. Interestingly, research suggests that later depressive episodes (starting with the third) tend to develop spontaneously (in the absence of any particular stressor). Some scientists call this phenomenon the "kindling effect", or "kindling-sensitization hypothesis." According to this hypothesis, initial depressive episodes create changes in the brain's chemistry that make it more likely that future episodes of depression will develop (or kindle, if you think about a spark starting a fire). Since early episodes of depression make a person more sensitive to developing later episodes, even a small series of daily hassles can trigger recurrent depressive episodes.
Stressful experiences often take away a person's sense of control (promoting a sense of helplessness or hopelessness) and can cause great emotional upheaval and pain. The effects of stressful events are typically experienced quite differently by different individuals. Stressors that don't bother one person may cause intense distress for another. Also, stressful events need not be negative in nature to be disruptive. Even positive life changes such as getting married or having a baby can trigger a depressive episode.
A variety of social or relational interactions or events can trigger depression. Some common examples include:
Death of a loved one
Divorce or marital problems such as infidelity
Loss of a job, financial problems, or poverty leading to homelessness
A chaotic, unsafe, and dangerous home life such as violence in the family
Abusive relationships that undermine self-confidence
Social failures such as friendships
Moving to another city
Experiences that cause learned helplessness in which one believes that they have no control in life
Serious trauma such as abuse, neglect, rape, etc.
Social isolation
Exposure to trauma may provoke a particularly intense form of stress reaction. Traumatic events include being a victim of or witness to atrocity, violence, true horror and/or the death of another, or your own near death. Examples include rape, murder, torture, abuse, accidents, terrorism, and combat experience. Many people who develop depression previously experienced traumatic situations during their childhood years in the form of sexual, emotional, and/or physical abuse or separation from a parent (through death or divorce).
Some people, including children, develop a psychological reaction to a traumatic event known as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Individuals with PTSD repeatedly relive their trauma in the form of nightmares and disturbing daytime recollections. They may also experience sleep problems, feeling detached or numb, or become easily startled. They may lose interest in things they used to enjoy and have trouble feeling affectionate. People with PTSD may feel irritable, more aggressive than before, or even violent. PTSD and Major Depression occur frequently following traumatic exposure, both as separate disorders and concurrently (e.g., both disorders can be present at the same time). For more information about PTSD, please visit our PTSD topic center.
As we discussed earlier in our section on psychoneuroimmunology, the relationship between stress and depression is not surprising. Many people who are depressed show high levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in their blood, leading some researchers to speculate that depression may be a variety of stress response in of itself.
Social Support
If social events can cause depression, they can also help prevent it from occurring in the first place. One of the most well-studied sociological factors that helps prevent (or buffer against) depression is known as "social support." Social support is not a complicated idea. It simply refers to whether or not people have access to and make use of a network of interpersonal relationships for supportive purposes. People receive social support from their family, friends, work and school colleagues, and other acquaintances. Social support networks provide a shoulder, guidance, love, caring, entertainment, laughs, and other varieties of mental and physical assistance during times of need and crisis. For example, people who have someone with whom to discuss daily frustrations and troubleshoot life challenges are generally less stressed than individuals who are isolated. A social support network can can be a tremendous help when you are sick or overwhelmed (by running errands for you, providing emergency child care, etc.). Social support networks can be important in helping people change unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as excessive drinking, or in adopting new habits. For instance, it is easier to sustain an exercise program when you exercise with a friend. Members of your support network also serve as a monitoring and feedback system. They may notice that your depressive symptoms are worsening, urge you to visit your doctor, and help to point out symptom improvements that may come about as a result of treatment that you yourself may not notice.
Belonging to a social support network can also increase your sense of purpose and self-worth. Interestingly, research suggests that the absolute size of your social network itself is not important. What matters is how well and how intimately connected you are to the other members of that network. People who have lots of casual acquaintances and few close confidants are actually worse off than people who share close and meaningful connections with only a small number of friends.
Depression Related Pages
A Discussion of Self Hatred
Addiction with Depression, Anxiety, and Compulsive Disorders
Antidepressants for Major Depression – SSRIs
Behavioral Addictions
Biology of Depression – Genetics and Imaging
Biology of Depression – Neuroplasticity and Endocrinology
Biology of Depression – Neurotransmitters
Biology of Depression – Psychoneuroimmunology
Bipolar Disorder – Depression, Major Depressive Episodes and Mixed Episodes
Bipolar Disorder versus Major Depression and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
Can Ecstasy Cause Depression?
Childhood, Parental Loss and Depression
Classic Symptoms of Major Depression
Clinician-Rated and Self-Report Questionnaires/Tests for Major Depression
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depression
Cognitive Theories of Major Depression – Aaron Beck
Community and On-line Self-Help Resources for Major Depression
Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Major Depression
Current Understandings of Major Depression – Biopsychosocial Model
Depression and Relationships: The Good News About Feeling Bad
Depression and Women
Depression Article References
Depression During and After Pregnancy
Depression Hotline Number
Depression Introduction
Depression Reading List
Depression, Anxiety and Pets
Depression: Major Depression & Unipolar Varieties
DSM Specifiers for Major Depression
Existential Crisis?
Further Observations Regarding Major Depression Treatment and Special Issues – Suicide
Historical Understandings of Depression
Integrative Therapies for Depression – Serotonin Precursors – SAMe
Interpersonal Therapy for Major Depression
Less Well-Studied CAM Remedies For Depression – B-Vitamins and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Lifestyle Factors and Environmental Causes of Major Depression
Major Depression and Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Major Depression and St. John’s Wort
Major Depression Related Conditions Conclusion
Major Depression Serotonin Precursors: 5-HTP
Major Depression Serotonin Precursors: SAMe
Measuring Depression
Medications for Major Depression
Men and Depression
Modes of Treatment
Mood Stabilizers for Major Depression
Non-pharmaceutical Medical Therapies for Major Depression
Of Troubled Marriages, Sexual Compulsions and Depression
Other Conditions Related to Depression
Other Forms of Psychotherapy for Major Depression – Behavior Therapy
Other Forms of Psychotherapy for Major Depression – Group, Family and Couples Therapy
Other Forms of Psychotherapy for Major Depression – Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychology of Depression- Behavioral Theories
Psychology of Depression- Psychodynamic Theories
Psychotherapy – Evidence-Based Treatments for Major Depression
Self-Esteem And Depression
Self-Help Methods for Major Depression
Sensory Defensiveness or Sensory Overload
Sociology of Depression – Effects of Culture
Surgery, Depression, and Anxiety
Symptoms – Dysthymic Disorder
Teenage Depression and Consequences
The Course of Major Depression
The Existential Crisis, Depression, Anxiety and Mortality
The Five Senses
The Impact of Judgmental Thinking on Your Anxiety and Depression
The Physical Symptoms of Depression
Treatment: When to Seek Professional Help and Where to Find Help for Major Depression
Understanding Mood Episodes in Depression
Well Supported Natural Therapies for Depression – St. John’s Wort
Where There is Life, There is Hope, Depression and Why Suicide is Not an Option.
o Is Me, The Self Fulfilling Prophecy