
in hive-107252 •  4 years ago 


How can we explain the craze with money or material things amongst our generation in the world today?

For most of us here in Ghana, you will remember the harrowing story of the young man who has recently beheaded his little friend for money rituals. All in the hopes of becoming rich and wealthy the fastest way possible. To tie another knot to my story, you may also have heard of a similar story of a 10 year old boy killed and beheaded by his own friends also for quick money.

Sadly our world today glorifies wealth irrespective of how it is acquired. So long as you have it, and tons and tons of it, you are hailed as the Messiah or you can be made the harvest chairman at your church come an annual harvest or thanksgiving time.

If you're rich today even your "stupid acts" are considered wise or acceptable by family and other people in society, who otherwise would have criticised you for that same act if you were not.
With all these juicy benefits, why won't we young men and women strive by all means possible to be rich?
Money and wealth is great. It makes all things possible and answers all impossible human wants and needs in a split second. However, the excess of it, it's where the line needs to be drawn or looked at by all of us as a society.

Bob Marley once said that Money is a numbers game. If your entire happiness and joy in this life is spent chasing money and wealth, you will never be happy. Because money is a numbers game.
And numbers become important as their value grows. 3 is bigger than 2. 4 is bigger than 3and so on. The more you have it, the more you will still crave for more to stay satisfied or fufiled.
Many of us have traded the beautiful things we once considered priceless in our lives in exchange for money. Our health, our family, our conscience, our relationships, our children and even our common sense capabilities too.
We may not really feel the consequences of the lust for money and wealth and the greedy nature of us humans associated with it.
Today, it may be the families of these two little boys feeling the pinch of pain.
Must you and I wait to suffer the same fate before react or do something about it as a society?

I leave that to each and bit of our conscience to answer that.

Kwame Sarpong
Freelance Writer

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