What are some innovations that can make Earth Better?

in hive-107252 •  4 years ago 

What are some innovations that can make Earth Better?

Groasis Waterboxxx:-

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A planting device that makes growing crops in the desert possible and resource-efficient. It requires 90% less water than traditional growing methods.

The Veganbottle:-

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The vegan bottle is made from a natural bioplastic that could replace plastic bottles forever. That bottle is made from sugar can extract. It's 100% biodegradable.


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It can collect carbon waste from a car's exhaust and convert it into high-quality black ink.


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It can turn food waste into gas. Bacteria digest the waste and turn it into biogas. It can take up to 6 liters of waste per day and can produce up to three hours of cooking gas.

The Seabin:-

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The Seabin can filter out plastic, detergents, and oil, allowing clean water to flow back out. Inside the bin, a catch bag traps any floating pollutants. A water pump sucks water through the bin and passes it out once cleaned.

Liter of Light:-

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A company turned bottles into streetlights. Recycled plastic bottles upgraded with an LED bulb, micro-solar panels, and a battery to provide a low-cost night lighting system. The project has lit over 850,000 homes.

Edible water blobs:-

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The capsule is biodegradable. You can directly put the whole blob on your mouth. This can easily replace plastic water bottles.



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