What are some social skills that you should know?

in hive-107252 •  3 years ago 

What are some social skills that you should know?


1)Always be the last person to break eye contact.


2)Call people by name. Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and important sound in any language.


3)In a group if you notice someone being left out or ignored, take the initiative to include them. Make everyone feel included.


4)If someone is interrupted, ask them to continue.


5)Don't get into religious or political debates with people who have different ideologies than you.


6)No matter how bad your mood is or how shitty your day has been, always be nice to others.


7)Whenever you feel that you are too angry and about to say unforgivable things, simply walk away.

Thanks for allowing me to post in this community.@steemadi

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