Random musings...You will own nothing and be happy...

in hive-107855 •  9 months ago 

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If I understand it correctly, "You will own nothing" is just another way of saying that "You will rent everything". Well, food and water may be done a bit differently, because I don't suppose you can return either when you're done with them.

Now, if this ever gets implemented, I suspect that we'll not lose our jobs, but rather our labor will no longer be ours. If we don't own our labor, then we don't own ourselves. We'll have enough to live, maybe even comfortably, but they will, more than likely, be able to deny us everything on a whim.

The nothing, which we will own, still needs to be produced and those in control of that nothing will probably not be the ones doing the producing...manual labor. No, they will require our labor. We will be dependent on them for everything, since we will own nothing. In short, those who will be happy and own nothing must understand that they will still have to work. But, we will be working for those providing whatever it is we'll be needing, but don't own.

Those providing cannot provide without the labor of those who will be happy without owning. Interesting enough, anybody who has ever held a job, held that job in order to at least earn the ability to fulfill their own needs, desires, and possibly the needs of their families, either by ownership or renting. In my lifetime, renting was always an option.

So, we will work for, and receive, a salary from those in charge. We will pay rent to those who own everything. The statement, "You will own nothing, and you will be happy", gives the impression that the ones who will pay our salaries are the same ones who will receive our rent payments. We will be paid so we can feel as if we've earned our place in society...as if we've earned the things we are required to rent. Similar to being employed by the government, but still have to pay taxes.

I would suggest that it's our labor which gives value to whatever it is we are laboring for. It seems we value the things we have to labor for, over things that need no effort. In this case we will be providing value to things which others own and we have to rent. It does make me wonder, though, how some seem to embrace this idea.

If it all works out as planned, then it's us who will be paying the price, probably for as long as it lasts, however long that may be. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Is it something we need to pay attention to??

Just random musings...

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That's quite an outlook... I'm not sure if possession helps you to be yourself. Fulfilment would be more my aspiration. Fulfilment can be partly material, but mainly through activity, work, relationships, health, communication, experiences, successes...

You're right. :)

This whole train of thought was inspired by what I've gathered on the concept of the Great Reset by Klaus Schwab of the WEF, without actually reading the book. ;)

Some people like to watch horror movies. :)