50 shades of embarrassment(mirrors).

in hive-107855 •  4 months ago 

In real life, DIY means destroy it yourself

The mirror is our reflection. It makes the house more spacious and illuminious and you don't have to rush to the dressing mirror to see your face.

We had already planned to install a mirror on the wall of our drawing room. A real big mirror.

However, my brother, one day showed us an Instagram reel where a guy was decorating a wall with small mirrors.

It was so easy, we had all the material except mirrors. He thought to purchase it online later but we were committed to making such a wall.

Days passed and he ordered them without discussing with any of us and we only saw them on their arrival.


On opening it we found out that it wasn't a real mirror. Instead, it was much like a plastic thing that doesn't break.

He told me these were acrylic mirrors, cool, I hadn't heard this name before and preferred to check on the parcel for authenticity.

That was true. These acrylic mirrors I didn't know anything about.

We selected one wall having doors on both sides. The aim was to paint it all black before installing mirrors.

Thus applied tapes on the edges of the area we were supposed to paint: 60 inches in length and 31.5 inches in width of the wall after leaving 5-6 inches from each side.

I was a silent audience because I asked them to do it tomorrow.

By nature, I don't rush things and procrastinate. I don't start things usually before seeing tutorials online.

So he along with my youngest sister were doing it. After painting the wall at around 1-2 pm they left it for drying.

I told them not to apply mirrors today. Why the rush, put this task for tomorrow. Meanwhile, the wall will be completely dry.

But you can't stop overexcited people from doing what they want.

6 columns and 12 rows of Mirrors were made. We had 75 mirrors of 4/4 size. They also sent double tape to stick it on the wall.

He applied one mirror with that tape. When I looked at it, I didn't find it evenly stuck to the wall. I immediately declared my disapproval of applying it with double tape.

Use glue instead. What is the purpose if it isn't even huh?

For the first time, everyone agreed. We had white glue already in bulk smiling its evilest smile for what was about to happen.

My sister was applying glue on the rear of the mirror to her heart's delight. It looked like she was on a mission to end this glue at any cost. Later I found out my brother instructed her to do so.

As if they were wanting the mirrors to remain stuck to the wall until the day of resurrection.

The wall piece could come out but no mirror would fall.

It looked all good. They finished applying them in the evening. It was effortlessly done without the hassle of cutting the tape.

My father also looked pleased and asked whose idea it was. My mother said, everyone's.

At night, we looked closely once we removed the mirror stickers. It was strange, unlike the normal mirror.








look the door changing its shape

My brother said it's acrylic that's why we are seeing distorted figures. Imagine an Instagram filter here where your face gets fat.

I thought they randomly sent a pack of normal, concave, and convex mirrors.

Honestly, It was awful. My dream of taking mirror selfies shattered at that moment.

The next morning, their sight was more pathetic. They shrank not physically but actually. Imagine wearing clothes without ironing them.

Instagram distorted fat filter pro max.

I forgot to take pictures because we were unable to contemplate the reason.

Someone said it's due to the glue. They had sent double tape for a reason with them.

Now it was an embarrassing moment for me as I was the one who disapproved of tape.

But why did he obey me? It was his duty to do what was right. Would he change his decision if anyone insists on it? If I were in his place, I would never take anyone's advice who didn't know anything about the product.

It was my self-defense statement which I think is justifiable, isn't it?

My brother didn't bother to change them now. But I was bothered so I decided to remove them, its glue, and then reinstall them with tape.

When I took out one mirror, not only did the mirror come out but so did the cement of the freshly painted wall as well.

It came out with wet black paint and glue. If the wall had completely dried before sticking mirrors, the glue wouldn't have damaged the wall, my mother said.

I was shocked to see the damage it had done to the wall. I googled and found out that superglue dissolves quickly and damages the mirror.

It did the opposite, the mirrors were safe but the wall💔

A half lost battle.

We had to paint it all again after filling its depressions with white cement(we only had it at home).

I removed all the mirrors along with my mother. Just see the damaged wall below.

Doesn't it look like the ultrasound pictures of an embryo at different stages?

My mother filled the wall with depression and cleaned the glue from the mirror, it was a tough task again.

I asked her if I could paint it black now. She said no, let it dry first. But I wanted to paint it before my father came home. I wanted to escape that embarrassing and humiliating moment.

But I was meant for it. He came and saw the wall and did what every person would do in such a situation when we told him the main culprit was glue.

Why didn't you guys ask me before doing it?
Did you ask anyone else before applying it?
Always doing things without asking anyone
*This and that.?

When he went I immediately painted the wall but you can still see the marks of the mirrors. We applied mirrors again at the same position so it didn't make a fuss. But the wall had lost its plainness indeed:(

We applied a mirror this time with double tape. I helped my brother this time. What could have they lost if they agreed about applying them tomorrow when I first said? No, I don't have a black tongue.

But it was fun cutting and applying the tape.




A good episode of DIY and Embarrassment ended on November 3, 2024.

The mirrors are fine now, we can apply make-up too in front of that. However, the dream of a mirror selfie is still a dream because I feel dizzy when I see it for too long.

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I had exactly the same idea about 40 years ago in my first own flat: small mirror tiles, double-sided adhesive tape and a creative pattern. On the ceiling!

In the end, this led to one of these tiles falling down and a visitor suffering a serious head injury... A very bad moment!

That's very unfortunate.

My late grandfather had almost witnessed the same incident but fortunately the ceiling missed hitting him from a few inches.

Home decor can be lethal too.

Respect and see the idea of other person and think twice.

I had a great mosaic of pieces of mirror on my youngest's wall. It certainly made the mini room much bigger and she was super happy with it. Nothing ever fell down, no one ever got hurt but unfortunately I couldn't take it with me when I moved.

I wish you had a piece of it to show us atleast:)

I don't, not even a photo I think. I try to remember if I took photos and if printed them. It was before 2000. 🤔

Strange how easily one forgets all the things done

Before 2000, it is in your memory then.

There was no trend of clicking pictures of fancy object that time. It's only now that we do it.

I started actively taking photos at the age of 8 years old. I received my first photo camera.

Here it is: https://oldcam.ccvshop.nl/Agfamatic-50-collector-in-original-packaging

Black and white photos I took. I still have some of them branded in my memory plus the location, occasion and how I felt.

I had a large collection of camera's with different results also old ones. I had my walls filled with large photo prints during the time I still had two children. I clised the part of photography and did take photos but as my children left home I gave them what was theirs.

I also started making dias because photos became too expensive. There are thousands of them. I gave them plus photoalbums and the diaries to the eldest.

All my children have their own photo albums and the diaries I wrote for them.
I do notice a huge difference between how dear it is to them to treasure memories and confirm what things look like, which for sure has to do with the time they are raised.

In the digitaal world it's push push push and it doesn't matter if 999 out of 1000 photos are terrible. You can take new ones or Photoshop or just post what is bad because fast and multitask without focusing is what is asked (although the average digi phone/camera is slow).

Wow you were such a photographer, i didn't know you are an enthusiast photographer as well.

Taking and storing your children's photos were the best thing you had done.
Watching those photos when they are adults now, by your side and asking you to give the context of every picture is the most most beautiful way to connect with the past.

We also have many phopto albums of our childhood. My dp was also clicked with photo camera by my mother's brother. He has this thing to collect photos.

Most of the time, it was him clicking our photos. It continued til 2009 and then he introduced us to his new digital camera.

The era of digital camera was short,of only 4-5 years. Then came mobiles, endless clicks.

But that one phopho click with old camera had better pictures and results. Or we are all beautiful in our childhood or maybe we were carefree at that time how we look.

Now it's terrible, you can never assure anyone that their pictures are beautiful.


Thank you @saintkelvin17💜