Forgotten Things that nurture us.

in hive-107855 •  4 months ago 

We have forgotten that the sun still shines.


Just like you forget to write when there is a gap of several days.

But when you take a step in, words will flow out of you.

In the same manner, we have forgotten that there does exist a world outside of our imaginary bubble, with which we were familiar in childhood.

All we have to do is turn our phones off and visit Mother Nature. It's the same, is it?

Well, that's for us to see with our eyes.

We live in the digital world, whose reality is virtual.

We are always scrolling through social media and consuming brands of make-up, food, clothes, businesses, and so on.

Social media makes us believe that we constantly need to buy things.

It makes us believe that we should have Crystal Clear skin, which is actually possible after applying filters.


It makes us believe that we should follow this and that in order to be successful and earn money.

It's continuously selling a narrative that we don't buy deep inside.

However, it's the constant bombardment of the news that makes us change our point of view.

It has made us forget what we truly were before the consumption of content online.

Do we actually like this blatant fashion, makeup, and glamour? Or is it just the fear of missing out making us follow whatever it is?

Fear of being different than the masses.
Fear of telling others that you have no skin care routine.
Fear of telling people that the clothes you wear are not of any brand. But custom made from the local market.

Social media has made us forget that we will be okay without these things too. That no one actually gives a damn about others.

It has made us believe that everything should be picture perfect. Your dress, your make-up, and your art too.

If you have a thing for art, you can't show it to the world until you become a pro.

Where does this mindset come from?

I strongly discourage this mentality and show imperfect pieces of my paintings.

However, nothing can compete with those drawings we used to draw on the computer and paper.

Paintings of the mountains and houses.


They are missing you, you forgetful man.

When we will have the courage to leave this fake bubble and start making soap bubbles,
We will know that the real world is still waiting for us.



Bubbles Bubbles on the carpet

The sun still shines (but behind the thin layer of smog).
Flowers still blossom.
Stars still come at night (blurry sky).
Trees still wave with the wind.



When we stopped going out, the mist turned into smog.

We have forgotten that we can't survive without nature. It's only when you hear the cracking sound of your knees while praying that you realise low levels of vitamin D and calcium in your body.

We go under the sun very little; I can count weeks, if not months, that I have spent without sunlight touching my body.

It's enough now. I need that vitamin D. Above all, it feels so good and helps to balance melatonin levels in the body.
Which in turn forces us to get out of bed early in the morning.

Screen light doesn't want that, but your body does.

We have long forgotten to go on long walks in the evening. I used to go with my cousins and uncle on a walk after dinner in early this century.

It would be all dark; we could barely see anything. In those dark times, we only had one source of yellow light.


Our prey💀


kids still play outside.

We would excitedly run behind them. We even captured one of them and imprisoned it inside a glass bottle to see its light in the daytime.

But it never lightened in the daytime; maybe it died before that.

Sadly, I no longer see them these days.

Have they forgotten the path of nature, or have we forgotten to go on the walk?

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Your words struck me so deep. I also sometimes think around this subject and have written about it too. I don't deny the comfort that technology has brought to our lives but I do miss the slow-ness of life that has become the thing of the past.

But I also believe, childhood is usually slow and carefree. 30 years back, our parents might have been thinking about the same things that we are now. Adult life is always difficult and don't let people enjoy the little things in life to the full.

In short, I blame this haphazard life both to the technology and adult responsibilities.

Yeah, i had read that post. I didn't find you old school at first because of your degree in computer.

Now i realise that only those people having commitments online long for slowness in their life.

In villages, people are still living low mornings and social evenings.(who are without gadgets)

In short, I blame this haphazard life both to the technology and adult responsibilities.

I accede your stance on this and admire how beautifully you manage your motherhood along with A purpose(steemit) in your life.

I'm hardcore old school and yes we crave what we don't have.

Village life seems ideal but I won't prefer to live their forever for its lack of facilities. What I look for is balance, little bit of tech with a slightly higher dose of natural ways and OG stuff. (;

What I look for is balance,

Perfect 👌

Dear Amina, I know these phenomena that you so aptly describe - but I am not susceptible to them. I live more outdoors and as part of nature than within an infrastructure that bores me. I don't consider consumption and superficiality to be necessary and am happy to live according to my own value system. There are still people who feel the same way. I think we have it easier in life...

I live more outdoors and as part of nature than within an infrastructure that bores me.

I'm the opppsite, maybe that's what makes me long for it.

Human nature is very strange. It always finds things boring, it has access to.

I know you're one confident lady about everything and that's why getting your different feedback is always valuable than any other steemian:)

Her unique insights and take on life is admirable and inspirational. 🙂

You both flatter me very much!