Some heroes have covers.

in hive-107855 •  6 months ago  (edited)

To find your hero,

The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library~Albert Einstein



When we talk about heroes, I can't find perfect ones around me or on television.

For me hero is someone who has unmatchable character, strength, and courage.

A hero must fight for a cause.

It's ok if we take females as heroes as well as males. Gender doesn't restrict the term hero to a specific sex.

I always get inspiration from characters from the world of books. That's why fiction is my favorite genre. People read self-help books to get inspiration and learn but I think learning from other's imaginary stories is more convincing.

My love for fiction started from the Urdu language and continued to English novels.


My first hero was Haneen, a girl side character in an Urdu book Namal.

I fell in love with her when she single-handedly fought her character assassination in the court, against a male lawyer.


She was just 22 at that time, girls of this age are extremely vulnerable and so was she. But she got out of her vulnerabilities for the male lawyer, she had feelings for.

She heroically defended herself. No love is above your dignity she learned in the hard way.

That scene is my favorite in the whole book of 1000-plus pages. I have read that scene again and again and always fell in love with her courage.


My other hero is Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird in Alabama.

This is one of my favorite books, a fiction book, seen through the eyes of two kids, a sister and her brother.

They are white and their father fights for a black man in the court who had been accused of molesting a white girl.


When he took the case, society shames him for defending a Negro.

His children were raised by black nannies too, I loved both of them.

Atticus didn't bother about society and continued fighting for what was right and for his principles.

In the trial, it was obvious that the black man was innocent (you should read their trial once in your life at least) but still court didn't plead him innocent. Why? Because he was a black man and the judge apart from being too kind and polite was white.

The judge didn't dare to give a fair verdict.

When they went home and asked their father what would you do now as all your efforts had been wasted.

He said I will appeal again. It was his values that led him to fight against the injustice.

If it's white man vs black man, white man will always win.

It was the brainwashing he was against that all black people are screwed and must treat like one.

Atticus emphasized to his children to never treat someone ill for their color.


Then I have another hero who is Shams of Tabraiz from 40 Rules of Love.
He was in the 13th century, a dear friend of Rumi (a scholar and poet).

Shams is the real character and he never feared to question hypocrisy in the society who sin at night and come up as angels in broad day night.

He protected a harlot from a charged mob of men who were ready to kill her for blasphemy.

What was her sin other than prostitution?


She happened to attend a khutbah (sermon) in the mosque all dressed up as a man and got caught.

She was a whore, how dare she enter a mosque made only for the men who are too religious that they can recognize her.

Anyhow, Shams protected her, otherwise they may have killed her.

He rescued her.

He knew that she wanted to get out of her dark life that's why she was in the mosque in the first place.

Later, he helped him leave her sinful place and settle down as a pious woman in the town, but hidden.

He taught me that you shouldn't hate a person but the sin he/she is doing.


The list of heroes is long like Jane Eyre who was abused in her childhood and struggled her whole life in school and profession. But she didn't give up on her values and chose a journey to give meaning to her life individually.

Like Mr. Darcy who was so proud and arrogant that he taunted the girl (for her poor status in society and her weird family) he loved when she refused his proposal.

The girl, Elizabeth told him that he was too proud to marry.

What did he do next?

He fixed his issues rather than threatening her.

A hero is someone you feel safe around, who brings light into your life.

If you can't find a hero, find a book.


Be one

Be your own hero.



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well...ladies are very cool heroes and I always find them more courageous than any other. Hunan is a very powerful character and she was suffering from the same problem which any Pakistani girl could have..... Hadiqa kiyani, Dr mantsha ziya , Dr Yasmeen Rashid, Sania Nishtar, arfa kareem , Yasmeen Lahri, begum Rana Liaqat Ali Khan, hina Rabani Khar and many others inspire us with their unique and effective work. last night I was watching a documentary about Julia Butterfly Hills, who single handedly saved an entire jungle. And it is unbelievable how she spent two whole years on the top of 200 feet high trees. She is an incredible girl from the 90's. Her vision to save nature around her is so powerful and without any pitiful self interest.

He said I will appeal again.

Give him a round of Mai jindo's story and I bit you never ever forget that.

Be your own hero....

worth to read and ponder.

Hadiqa kiyani is a powerful woman, and i admired her always for raising a child who wasn't her own and building houses for homeless people👏👏

I find it hard to digest that julia is a real life character, amazing yr, she must from the family of mowgli, a wonder woman indeed.

read Mai jindo's story

What's that about?

I confuse a few things, actually Julia stayed at a 10000 year-old tree which a company wanted to cut for chairs 🥂...later she run campaigns as an environmental activist and you can find her on insta....I can write Mai Jindo's story, but maybe " پاک بوجھ" find it offensive.... kidding😉...story is available on Wikipedia...I can't penn it here becoz I'm afraid to miss important facts and figures about it. If you read and tell me how it is.

If you can't find a hero, find a book.
Be one
Be your own hero.

These are refreshingly good suggestions for life!

Yes, always😉

Thank you @irawandedy for the super boost😊