Alltagstheater - Theatrical Realities

in hive-107855 •  8 months ago 


In einem Alltagstheater, bühnenreif und fein,
steht ein Mensch, der Dramen webt, nicht klein.
Sein Leben spielt er, auf der Bühne des Seins,
wo Emotionen tanzen, in wilden Reih'n.
Ein Schauspieler des Lebens, so bunt und schrill,
mit Gesten groß, doch manchmal auch zu viel.
Sein Lächeln strahlt, wie Scheinwerferlicht,
doch manchmal erlischt es im Dunkel der Pflicht.
Die Bühne des Alltags, ein ständiges Spiel,
von Freude, von Tränen, ein steter Wechsel, so viel.
Er wirft sich hinein, in jede Rolle, geschwind,
ob Tragödie oder Komödie, er spielt geschwind.
Doch hinter dem Vorhang, im stillen Raum,
verblasst das Make-up, verblasst jeder Traum.
Ein Mensch, der Theater macht, auch nur ein Gast,
in der Realität, ohne Masken, ohne Last.
Die Vorstellung endet, der Vorhang fällt,
der Alltag kehrt ein, wie eine stille Welt.

Theatrical Realities

In the theater of everyday, finely staged and grand,
stands a soul weaving dramas, not small or bland.
Playing out life on the stage of existence,
where emotions dance in wild, vibrant sequence.
An actor of life, so vivid and loud,
with gestures grand, yet at times a bit proud.
His smile radiates like a spotlight's gleam,
yet at times it fades in duty's shadowed scheme.
The stage of daily life, a perpetual play,
of joy, of tears, an unceasing array.
He throws himself into every role with speed,
be it tragedy or comedy, he performs with heed.
But behind the curtain, in the silent space,
make-up fades, dreams lose their trace.
A person who enacts a theater's art,
just a guest in reality, unmasked, without a heavy heart.
The performance concludes, the curtain falls,
everyday life returns, like a silent thrall.

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I assume it's a poetic version of "theatre" as I can only read the translated one. I really enjoyed it, even though I could only read the English translation. The images (if you don't mind me asking about the source of generation ) are spot on and complement the verses beautifully. Your writing style is unique, and I loved it. Thank you for linking it under my post.

P.S. In the tags, I noticed, AI write...
I don't understand this, if you could elaborate.

Edit: ok, I went through your earlier posts. I got an idea. But, I must say that it's an art to make AI generate things like this. Bravo

This is really outstanding!

Thanx for noticing me , but You are right , the text and the images are products of Eyai , ähh AI , and You are also right because it´s not done by the Eyai herself alone .
The human has to be involved in this process like in all other artistic processings .
Yes , I thought if we are doing a contest i should be allowed to link under the other contestants posts , thank You for appreciating it .

Yes , I thought if we are doing a contest i should be allowed to link under the other contestants posts , thank You for appreciating it

By all means.

I feel honoured by your linking of the article under my post.

... and that's why I have no problem with use of AI in that way: it's human art and creativity working with a tool. Not more and not less.

Estos experimentos tuyos realmente tocan las emociones. GracIAs 😜👍