
in hive-107855 •  10 months ago 

In einer Stille, tief und klar,
Wo Worte schweigen, beginnt das Glück.
Vertraute Seelen, ohne Sprache, nah,
Ein Band der Liebe, stark und schick.
Die Sonne senkt sich, spricht kein Wort,
Die Natur singt ihr Lied in stummem Zwiegesang.
Berge, Seen, ein endloses Fort,
Die Schönheit, reist im Schweigen entlang.
In uns'rer Seele leises Rauschen,
Achtsamkeit, die in Stille erwacht.
Ein Spiegelbild der inneren Lauschen,
Selbstfindung, die im Schweigen lacht.
Künstler malen ohne Worte,
Musik, die stumme Geschichten erzählt.
Ein Ausdruck, der die Stille sortiert,
In der Kunst, das Wort zerfällt.
Gemeinsam schweigen, Einheit erleben,
Ein stiller Pakt, der tiefer geht.
Respektvoll, miteinander weben,
Das Schweigen, das uns eint, besteht.
Unerklärlich, wortlos staunen,
Vor dem, was das Leben uns bringt.
Ein Moment, der uns kann entstaunen,
Wenn das Wort im Staunen versinkt.

In a silence deep and clear,
Where words fall silent, happiness appears.
Kindred souls, without a word to hear,
A bond of love, sturdy and sheer.
The sun descends, utters no word,
Nature sings its song in a mute duet.
Mountains, lakes, an endless forward,
Beauty that in silence is set.
Within our souls, a gentle hum,
Mindfulness awakens in quiet bliss.
A reflection of the inner strum,
Self-discovery that in silence laughs.
Artists paint without a spoken line,
Music tells silent tales untold.
An expression that the silence aligns,
In art, where words unfold.
Together we hush, unity to perceive,
A silent pact that goes deep.
Respectful, together we weave,
The silence that unites us, still, and steep.
Inexplicable, wordlessly we marvel,
At what life to us does bring.
A moment that can our wonder unravel,
When words in awe take a silent wing.

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I remember I once had a friend whose company I enjoyed so much. We met in the first year of college, and since I had had experiences with people in my culture who would take a silent moment like something uncomfortable, I had to point out that it wasn't necessary to me to talk in order to fill the silence; I just enjoy the company. She agreed and we kept watching the sunset while sat on the grass of a high land on campus. I shouldn't have let her go :'D.