Spying on a spy (Episode 1) [The tricky job]

in hive-107855 •  last year  (edited)


Good day Steemians in the @Dreamsteem community I am here to publish a story named spying on a spy. I am going to be releasing this story in episodes. I will be releasing it twice a week.
This is how it begins
spying on a spy
Episode 1
The tricky job
The CIA had just brought in a new recruit Jeremy. He was so happy that he didn't care what his assignments would be. He was extremely excited. He rushed to the headquarters of the CIA. Mr James the commander received Jeremy nicely. Jeremy says "Thank you for accepting my request of having a job here". James received his response with delight. James had not explained his assignments for recruiting him. James said " We need you to help the research team to help investigate on certain matters". Jeremy was happy he said" what could possibly go wrong". Jeremy had just started his job in theCIA. He was really excited and overjoyed. He had stayed some months after the incidence he had with some criminals. Years ago Jeremy was a cop. He had an encounter with a criminal who just escaped from prison. Jeremy chased the criminal. unfortunately for Jeremy he was being ambushed by his gangs and shot. The criminal and his gangs thought that he was dead, so they all ran away.

Jeremy was in charge of a murder case involving two CIA operatives in New York. Jeremy was scared of this investigation. Because of this, he had sleepless nights. He had no choice than to continue with his investigation. Jeremy tried all he can In order, to gain James trust. James was really impressed and loved the way Jeremy did his job with zeal.

Jeremy was sleeping when a call came through his phone. "hello who's this". The person who spoke on the phone said "You have to come to work we have some evidence about the death of these CIA operatives". Jeremy replied"I'm coming just wait a minute". Jeremy had to dress up and go to work that night.He was tired and exhausted. When he met his research team, he felt relieved for he was looking for a them. The research team told him that the two CIA operatives were shot in the head. Jeremy asked them what their plan was. They told Jeremy that he is their leader and therefore he is the one to come up with the plan. Jeremy was angered by this.

He went home murmuring all that happened. He wondered why his research team couldn't do anything without him. He went back to sleep and waited for the next day.

Jeremy came to work the next day. His research team has already gathered a particular place in order to hear his plan. Jeremy acted as if he didn't care and walked in the opposite direction. He didn't want to come to his team. His research team reported him to James. James was surprised at hearing this. He decided to tell Jeremy his real assignment as this was not his.

James called Jeremy to his office. He said "Jeremy I have something to tell you". Jeremy wondered what James had to tell him so he asked "what is it that you have to tell me you've always been a good boss and I have enjoyed working with you so what is it?". James took a deep breath before he continued. He said"Jeremy the real assignment we brought you here is because of an international conspiracy". Jeremy screamed "whaaaat and I've wasted my time time doing all these assignments, I'm so sorry but I have to quit this job it's giving me bad memories, I'm so sorry James but I have to do this". James begged Jeremy to stay but, Jeremy walked away.

Jeremy went home, but he wasn't comfortable. He was having a terrible headache. He decided to take a short nap. As he was about to get to sleep, he had a loud bang on the door. He didn't care to open it because he was extremely tired. Suddenly his door was broken down by the people knocking on the door. Three young men in a mask ran into his house. They forced Jeremy to give them some money. Jeremy was hesitant. This angered them. They used their gun and hit hard on the head. Jeremy became unconscious. Immediately the men noticed this they all ran away.

Next episode is coming on Friday. Thank you all and have a wonderful day. Please support this post by upvote and comment on this post.

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Hello and welcome to Dream Steem Community!

You've started a short time before on Steem - feel free to ask if there are any questions... But I read you have good support ;-))

Your project is ambitious - I like continuation stories. Try to be more detailed; at the moment you sound breathless and superficial. I'm curious to see how the story develops ;-))

Thank you for commenting on this post

How interesting!

I can't wait to see where this goes.