"Das Schlüsselwort der Woche"

in hive-107855 •  last year  (edited)



In a distant city, it was visited by a team of scientists who gave a lecture. Everyone watched in astonishment as they were told it was so impactful.

Today's story is a real story with shades of fiction. Discovering it is up to you, reading this article, a work of art in literature.

In this community, it was common to have many children, living a humble life in the countryside. They had many deities and fervently believed in gods for crops, gods for rain, gods for fertility. So, there was a lot of superstition and belief that everything that happened was due to the intervention of the gods. Many doubts, much confusion, and they kept those doubts hidden from others, but the gods didn't answer all their questions.

So, this medical and scientific team visited, and they spoke about hygiene, diseases in the area, how to improve water, food storage to prevent rats, and all that information. Several days passed with many experiments. They also talked about childbearing, reproduction, sexual relations, how to take care to avoid diseases. A woman with 12 children, the doctor sees her crying, goes to her and says, "What's wrong?" She hugs her and tells her that she finally knows where the children, the babies, come from. So, it's really surprising not to know something so basic. Now that she knows it wasn't the gods but the relationships, she asks her husband to have the 13th child, and voila, a girl is born. Twelve boys and the 13th, a girl, so it revolutionizes the family, and that's where it ends. They no longer have more children; they started taking care of themselves, so their life and quality of existence improved, and the children no longer come from the stork.

Thank You So Much.png


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Gods and doctors... All somehow on the same level ;-))

Time heals everything

Who was the stork in their story??? 😆
Very interesting take on the number (I'm not going to say it... Superstitious me)

Why is there a lot of superstition if there is more than one god and not only one?

I think children are found in cabbage not delivered by a stork. 🤔

Blos keine Penoiden mehr zeugen , nee , lieber Medschn in die Welt setzen , ja .

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