A comment by @jeff-kubitz on the ty-tyxhefestus debate (Letters 7.1)

in hive-107855 •  2 days ago  (edited)

This Letter 7.1 was posted by @jeff-kubitz as a comment to post Letter 7.0, by @ty-ty, in the ongoing ty-tyxhefestus debate and is promoted to a post due to the only rule that everything above three paragraphs constitutes a post. (Any posts on this debate are numbered before the dot (X.0) and extended comments after the dot (X.Y); posts should carry the #ty-tyxhefestus tag), Everyone that has a meaningful comment or post is invited to join in. And I believe we both intend to comment on this one:

@jeff-kubitz wrote:

Well that there's a big ball of steel wool to swallow.
Hermeneutics - literal interpretation of the Bible.
Scientism-scientific - science only please: always the school of hard knocks.
Epistemology - the study of knowledge

OODA - never heard that, that I remember

I am writing these vocabulary words so I remember them. It is refreshing to see something like but out here in the fields one never encounters such things.

( Image: Hermeneutics in teoriaonline.com )

One does find that in epistemology of the military and martial that thought is not what keeps one alive or worse, injured, as reaction. The removal of conscious thoughts and a pure switch to automatic and more powerful, faster subconscious is a guarantor of surety to success. The observation that the subconscious left do what wants, or calculates to be the choice in a situation, notably self preservation could be distilled directly contact and interaction of the soul.

Realization that the soul is a virtual extension of the physical and that the body may grow the soul for a purpose is a key that unlocks access to the soul which thinks faster than the subconscious. The subconscious then interprets what the soul decides. Then the subconscious transfers to the conscious and all takes time. Trust the soul, which stores additional knowledge outside the flesh and enables bizarre abilities not normally realized by most persons, yet most likely realized by all at some point...how can one determine by philosophy whether or not such things are true or false? Maybe?

Scientists know that science is not the truth but that eventually the truth will be discovered. I find nothing wrong with the practice of science: theory, hypothesis, experiment, result. God invented it and everything else. Including philosophy. One adheres to hermeneutics although literal translation deters complete understanding and instant realization all levels of consciousness: parables, alliteration, metaphor, and miracles leads me personally to think in terms of the first Christian commandment: Thou Shalt Love the Lord Thy God...

One thing some philosophy recognizes spectacularly, accurately, and describes precisely is there is more than science can know to be reality. Our senses are insufficient and the instruments we make are insufficient to know all there is to know.

Example: using the telescope and variations science has determined the dimensions of the universe but the observations of the most distant things to observe occured very distant in the past. Is any of it true to what is seen now? The observed things move and are nowhere near where they were. Then, there is reflection and refraction of the energy from the observed things, the energy moved by gravity: NASA found nine galaxies in separate parts of the universe which a appeared to be exactly the same. Then there is dark matter which does not reflect. It has been guessed to be ninety percent of all that is light matter.

So it's tough. Anyways, a picture is worth a thousand words at least. Yet sometimes worth only a few and sometimes many more, a metaphor.

I wanted to deeper hermeneutics and epistemology but it is my wife's day off and evil uses his now calluses right thumb, recovering brain, and, and...

@jeff-kubitz registered this comment (Letter 7.1) on 08.03.25

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how can one determine by philosophy whether or not such things are true or false?

I try to give a short answer on this question.
Philosophy in its core, in its main realm gives no answers but asks questions. So, it does in most cases not even try to expand knowledge. Instead it tries to expand wisdom on what knowledge can be. It tries to eliminate errors in ways of thinking and concluding. It tries to help clarify what truth may be. The topmost question which philosophy asks is what man(kind) might be, and it gives no answer but only hints.

This was very simplified by me.

Some of philosophy is like what you say but the materialists specifically state what is what and what should be usually their philosophy is based on no evidence.

I asked a woman from China if she had heard of the ancient civilization Mu. She had and elaborated that it was a very great civilization to the west that disappeared long ago.

I said it can only have been located here in North and South America or in Australia. She looked at me and said you might be correct. What is west of Europe, Asia Minor, and Africa and across the Atlantic? Atlantis and Mu?

Edward Casey who was psychic said there was a civilization in the Caribbean that sank. I saw an article or many now that talks about how Australia used the be much larger but a lot sank(Or the water rose?). Oceanic mappers and geologists have published drawings of the huge shelf around Australia that is under water.

Still, is it correct? I have observed a number rock carvings that are ancient reliefs. Somebody published there was a pyramid in a Wisconsin lake that is completely under water.

I understand the simplified explanation but again not all philosophy is the same. For example, is the world nothing but economics?

We not live in the garden Eden like I state sometimes here we are chatting on opposite sides of the Earth and that is a very new thing. And with a handheld device as well.

Will we screw it up one more time? Choose the worst possible possibility solely because we are very naive? Just put a few spacecraft up into heavens, some satellites, and longer ranged telescopes? Now we know it all: yes I do know what type of philosophy you talk about. Be happy.

This goes deep into the subject of hidden history and the possibility of precursor civilizations. I am very interested in that subject and I think it deserves further attention, and, maybe, a couple of posts. You may get challenged to comment on it soon. :)))

  ·  yesterday (edited)

Some of philosophy is like what you say but the materialists specifically state what is what and what should be usually their philosophy is based on no evidence.

Very right!
In this respect I'd like to regard for example most theology to be such a type of philosophy.
Since 'Philosophy' is not a protected trade mark, everyone can subsume his/her/its thoughts under philosophy's name. (What theologians never would do, but many scientists and followers of scientism.) These all claim to act on truth. They differ 'only' in the methods and in the presumptions. This is crucial.

Some of philosophy is like what you say but the materialists specifically state what is what and what should be usually their philosophy is based on no evidence.

not all philosophy is the same

This is very right and goes beyond my shortly given answer.
The key to these observations I held to be the mentioned annotation that 'Philosophy' is not a trademark. Every text can be claimed to be philosophy.

A very good, brief explanation that I fully agree with.


using the telescope and variations science has determined the dimensions of the universe but the observations of the most distant things to observe occured very distant in the past. Is any of it true to what is seen now?

Yes, it is.
The crucial question in this respect is: what means 'now'?
The dimensions of the known universe and the Einsteinian and post-Einsteinian theories show and say, that there is no such thing as 'now' outside the every-day-life and every-day-experience.
Already communication satellites have to use their own clocks in order to measure their own time.

Then, there is reflection and refraction of the energy from the observed things, the energy moved by gravity

This causes some mirror-like effects to the observable rays of light.

Then there is dark matter which does not reflect.

This I regard to be an esoteric hypothesis since it was postulated to rescue some theories about gravity and the hence expected move of galaxies and is not based on independent measured facts, as far as I know.
Okay, not 'some theories' but the Einsteinian... So, it seems there should be more masses or - on the other hand - the Einsteinian gravity theory is incomplete and has to be corrected in respect to very huge distances. To prevent from the latter it is assumed to exist more masses which are not visible, hence called Dark Matter. But for the moment it is a construct, a so called ad-hoc-hypothesis.

@jeff-kubitz, would you be so kind as to reply @ty-ty's comment above this one? Thanks.

I am glad you published my response but I really state to state in that post made about creativity and such, establishing group to enhance author creativity and it dawned on me my creativity my be from dopamine from all the injuries I have and since I don't stop doing what needs to be done...it hurts to do it. But the thing is that is not what results in dually or more persons observant of really weird events: it doesn't answer the question as to the Gates of Hell mission in the US military: THOSE THINGS ARE REAL EVENTS!

I noticed, your "Blasphemy" post but haven't read it yet. But you talk about witches and you're glad the witch hunts are over: ever met one, an evil one?

If you did would you be like me and be too stupid to realize it until,..., so you do not believe and then like me suddenly you are standing on water?

To think that the ancients were so very wrong and there are no powers whatever they might be is naive. No everything is a "trick" or "slight of hand."

Let's examine a few things like my wife with a golf ball sized lump in the top of left breast, which made a bigger ball...I faith healed it. You think I am lying? I read books about the subject(s). The tried it. Poor, it's a real money saver.

Now I have also noted, that my posts seem to change and on Facebook as well. Phrases just "disappear" words change to match whatever the AI put there as a suggestion. And I am not careful, that's what is posted: I tried to write word before the colon "pouring", I changed it back to posted.

Dopamine is better than drugs, especially illegal drugs but there are dreams and I have read articles on writers remembering their dreams and writing them down.

Now I am going to go read the blasphemy piece and you're glad the "Inquisition" is gone but so you know Los Angeles burned, plan to actually verify that soon. Now Long Island, New York, USA Burns and so do North and South Carolina: the possessed? By what? By whom? When?

I will read your other pieces and Ty-Ty's as well and see what I see. Did I make mistakes in my post as a perfectly lovely day, expected-predicted, suddenly blooms a southwest wind.

Hi @jeff-kubits. Thanks for your answer. As it is quite extensive, I wil republish it as (Letters 7.3). There's quite a lot to learn and think about here, as you mention things I have no knowledge of and have to find out about. I'll get back to you as soon as I sort it out.
Also, nowhere did I state that there are no powers or whitches. Maybe you'll be surprised when I get to that. :)))