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in hive-107855 •  8 days ago 

Fundamentally emotional intelligence is about our ability to handle our emotions and our emotional life so that the emotion works for us and not against us that many times you see the emotions of people if you see how many people are the emotion is working against their very goals they are wrongly angry for no reason they constantly justify themselves you make a general statement they will take it personally and get angry they don't mind false criticisms they see all this removes emotional intelligence it shows very poor intelligence. If there is real emotional intelligence there is a stability and balance in the inner emotional life to such an extent you can build a huge super structure of a great life on high emotional intelligence so remember emotional intelligence is more important than what we today call IQ, the EQ is more important emotional quotient is more important than the intelligence quotient because emotion is the real intelligence if you are able to handle it correctly keep it stable and heighten it where it is to be heightened enable it convert it into a transforming something in your life and not not something that destroys your life and the feelings and lives of others around you so for this emotional intelligence has to be studied.

The very first sign of emotional intelligen is deep inner self awareness which gives you inner balance you are at comfortable within yourself most of all and so you can relate very positively with others. You are able to listen consistently to what others are saying you are able to defend them not blame or criticize.

An emotionally mature adult will be focused on the positive we'll try to find a positive solution in everything we'll see to it that the person in front of him becomes completely comfortable then only the heart opens up to the truth of any situation. When a person is emotionally mature this naturally happens so self-aware being intensely self-aware inwardly is one of the first signs of emotional maturity the second sign is self-regulation which means our own emotions must be well regulated within ourselves our own thoughts are well regulated we have an inner Compass which helps us decide how to face the outer situation. If this inner Compass is lacking you are completely at the mercy of the emotions of the person in front of you which is a very tragic situation what does this mean that person is angry you will also get angry, that person is imbalanced you will also get imbalanced so this should not happen that person speaks wildly you will also speak wildly, so there's no point this is the starting point of War. Actually if we have to take mature decisions and lead a really worthy life self regulation should be first there which means I am aware of my thought I am aware of my emotion and they are calm balanced placid and they give me the right decision at the right time so self control self regulation are very fundamental.

The lives of great people are very emotionally balanced and that is why the right decisions came out. If you just see the incidents of the Rama today you know we are looking deeply into emotional intelligence from the lens of the ramayan which is an epic which taught us our cultural values for centuries.

Thing which modern psychology throws light upon is incentive sence which means once you have got into this groove of a particular conditioning even if you know that is not your goal you will have to keep moving in that direction yes it becomes your priority without conscious acceptance because you are programmed now because of the conditioning emotional conditioning you are programmed to move in that direction you see people who give into drinks and drugs at some point in their lives they realize that no more I want to do this because this harming me in the long run but they can't stop they can't immediately stop the momentum goes on for a long time and then only they can put some kind of a stop to it so this incentive sence is a dangerous thing ffinally if you cannot get out of your addictions then it's a very small life.

Life becomes very meaningless after some time so all these are the results of not working on our inner life. Take care of this.

Thank you for reading my post.

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Welcome to Dream Steem!

The lives of great people are very emotionally balanced

But it could also be that a few of these great people were or are only capable of their respective achievements due to their emotional imbalance ;-))


  ·  8 days ago (edited)

I am sure @hive107855 had me and Newton in their mind while reaching this conclusion. There are many more who fit well in this category though! I hope you have nothing to worry about this conclusion as people in different parts of the world have varied theories. All the best for this contest!

Thank you so much 😄.


Hola amigo... Veo que tienes gran conocimiento acerca del tema... Pero siento que eso que mencionas no es tan fácil aplicarlo a la vida diaria... Esos que se dicen grandes hombres tienen su lado oscuro, lo he visto...

Concuerdo contigo cuando relacionas la inteligencia emocional con algo innato de la persona, pero no cuando dices que tiene que haber algo así como un autocontrol.... ¿Como podría ser eso posible, si ni siquiera podemos tener control de nosotros mismos?

Me gustó tu post porque me llevó hacerme preguntas, aunque me hubiese gustado que estuviese dividido en párrafos más cortos para digerirlo mejor...

Es solo otro punta de vista... Saludos...

@wakeupkitty @inspiracion @yancar


Thank you for enquiry. Keep your enquiry alive. There's something called universal guidance that will show you the path in long run. There are ordinary people who have been able to achieve it by some practice called sanskar. Keep questioning yourself. God bless.

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