Death In The Hand - Lithium Batteries

in hive-107855 •  4 hours ago 

Welcome Steemians, Friends, Universalites, and Bumpkins, Artists, and Dreamsteemers.

Ever wonder why I spent all that time in my life writing that cyber security was the number one problem the United States faced and then I added it was world problem?

There I was a member of Hezbollah, an army not a terrorist organization, like HAMAS, and suddenly I found myself before God, thought Salaam because my lithium battery ratchet, connected to the Internet for optimum performance exploded killing me and fourteen other soldiers nearby as I tightened bolts on the rocket launcher pointed towards Israel. The nuts come loose on a number of bolts after the rockets are fired due to all the shaking and stress. So, I tightened them back up. Boom!

Here I am before God's Justice with thousands of other people. They went by pagers, radios, and -

"Whisper! During! Judgement!" An absolutely huge angel Ordered, "Only to persons next to you!"

Salaam could hear renders of those ahead of him in the line. It was not sounding good. None were granted martyr status. Then there was an announcement from God, Himself,

"Apparently, Facebook blocked a prophecy ordered written by me, That HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH were not to fight against Israel, 'Thou shalt not fight against Judah, for he is a mighty warrior!'"

'And look how many bites you have!

'This would you useless to fulfill my plans because you would die."

"Since you do not about the prophecy of the end results of what would happen if you disobeyed the prophecy, though Intelligence Circles are aware of the prophecy, I sentence all of you to four days in Hell, one year in purgatory, barracks duty, odd jobs: Position and rank subject to Commander decision and the needs of the Host. Upon completion of your purgatory, mandatory assignment to the Host.

"Throw them in the boats pull them out in four days.

"All innocent's follow that angel out that door for your temporary living quarters and initial heaven briefings.

"You two are going in the boats! Increase their hell time to five days."

______, your scientific team receives one quintillion each.

Jeff, Jeff


That will be two sextillions for meeting Jay at his command post, and think everyone can see he lost all intelligence, and suffered greatly from entering those dimensions which I banned for humans to enter: how do you feel, Jeff now that you are restored?

Fine, I suppose a bit spacey or scatterbrained but okay.

Again, I was absolutely correct. Therefore, only when the need is absolutely great, like it was, will it be allowed to do what was done, God continued, No blame is assigned to the Host for doing what was necessary.

It looks like the Department of Energy and the U.S. Government took a crowbar and recognize that they must locally manufacture if they want to live ten or twenty more minutes, and have their own country. Now to remove the fraud of this national debt thing they have done.

The delegation from the Great Big Pie bowed and said, "Thank you Most High."

Your welcome and according to the covenant, I shall move toward restoration.

The delegation from the Great Big Pie bowed and said, "Thank you Most High." Then they left.

I told you we would win, Ben Franklin said in an aside before he left with the others.

You did, Thank God. Yes you did.

Plan Change!

We are switching out all the laptops, mobile phones, tablets, walkie talkies, radios, Internet of Things with lithium batteries, solar lights, exit signs and emergency lighting with lithium batteries, anything connected to the Internet with lithium batteries, and making a huge Star of David over the house that rotates so it can be seen from all directions.

So anyways, how is my recyclable, no moving parts, electricity generating device sounding now?

Want to ask me a question? It's one billion per question in gold, after taxes.

If Trump and the Republicans don't win along with conservative, pro-American Democrats, and Independents, I leave the country and too bad, so sad because I called this.

Don't want to make secure computing, communication, etc devices?



For who still want to use the miracle devices of twenty-first century, I also plan to create fireproof body suits for those who simply must connect to the internet with a lithium battery. Priced exorbitant.

For who still want to use the miracle devices of twenty-first century, I also plan to fire out how to put the fires out!

Screw the electric car that's connected to the Internet!

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