FistWedge - Solar Panels Mounting Design: Drama I

in hive-107855 •  2 months ago 

Side Mounting Brackets: One on each side east and west of a row of 5, 200 watt solar panels.
This will allow the panels to be raised on the east or west ends to increase solar electricity production as the sun rises or sets. They can also lie flat.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this and other possible scenarios.

I saw God yesterday as usual and He said, "Are there any questions you want to ask me?"

We talked about why crypto was not going up:

  1. I moved the blessed crypto symbols from the west side of the valley back to the east. I shouldn't have done that.

I moved them back to the west side.

  1. Governments and Corporations try to destroy cryptocurrency. He will take care of that and them.

  2. I forgot three but it was important and it was something about dates and when it would rise.

Then He gave me a better design.

So, the better design is now under construction.

  1. There are less hinges.
  2. It's much sturdier.
  3. An easier lift and drop
  4. Wires are protected
  5. It will not flap in the wind
  6. Easy maintenance
  7. Better generation of electricity from reflection
  8. Uses less wood, screws, and nails
  9. The end that touches the roof does not need to slide. Both ends when either is raised make a fist wedge triangle. Triangles are strong! Triangles with stand stress! A double parallel set of triangles is produced.

The Drama Part I
Another, indestructible chair in which I write has bit the dust.

That occurred when Senator Charles Schumer, the debt enslaver said, "The Founding Fathers rolled over in their at the Supreme Ruling on Presidential Immunity for official acts."

Let's remember, let's recall that I have wrote about that I talk with Benjamin Franklin and I have met the spirits of the Founding Fathers and elected officials since their time and was taken to the Great Big Pie Building where they meet and this is their response, "Many of the Current Politicians will not be allowed into the Great Big Pie and that includes Senator Charles Schumer and Representative Nancy Pelosi. The United States was formed as a protector of privacy and private wealth under God, was created to the protect rights of people, was solvent, all volunteer, and sovereign, self governing.
Gave the people land and not debt!"

"Rights are inalienable to encourage loyalty, liberty, freedom, and are self explanatory!

"We did not break all ties, risk our fortunes and families, neighbors and friends, nor those we did not personally know, allow the teaching and implementation of Godless socialism (I had to explain this), nor suck off the bodies of our citizens like Aztecs.

"We created prosperity and sacrificed create wealth for the people: you create despair. Reign like tyrants.

"We did not Create an absurd, ridiculously complicated, unfathomable system of taxation to live in luxury off the people and their body parts. We encouraged the killing of the children of the people of our new country!

"We encouraged that government should never be trusted!

"I cannot tell a lie is our standard: lead the people is our standard; (What is a monitor to speak with?
The teleprompter?
What they read and speak from?
Yes, the teleprompter)
We spoke to people directly, we might have had a sheet of paper with notes, and we were not cowards it! No would we have anyone with the inability to speak in public, unafraid of the consequences in OFFICE FOREVER, THEIR LIVES!"

"We wrote and stand by this phrase, "One Nation Under God!"


So, I begin the new design in a calm morning, Where the Priests of Baal chivy their arts of weather manipulation.

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  ·  last month (edited)

Hola querido amigo.

Te escribo en español, (a veces creo que Mr. traductor conspira contra mi libertad de expresi{on), espero que tu traductor logre fidelidad a lo que quiero expresar.

Creo que tu historia por más ficticia que parezca, representa muy bien "la locura" en la que han caido muchos gobiernos en su afan de poder. Te aseguro eso que no solo ocurre en tu país.

Tu ficción me pareció demasiado realista.

Yes. I took begin to see this clearly. It's like follow the moron.
