It's Winter, Snow's OK
This morning before dawn in the cold and gray
It's Winter and when there's snow it is okay
A lot of the first snowfall must have melted
As the temperature rose to 73 all sweltered
Fell upon the still hot ground from yesterday
I awoke from sleep with a yawn surprised
But all is already melted yet on the mountains
The snow in winter like spray from fountains
Is deep enough it's Winter, snow blankets all
Up rises thick fogs, then they fade away fall
Like opened curtains in the morning drawn
As the cold gets crisper and night comes on
The wind began to change to the draught wind
I took out sword lengthed to 12,500 and did find
With which turned thick a hundred miles high
Across the valley to the West 3 hills I did espy
Untouched by snow that is Winter, is not okay
And it's not me talking wrong this Winter's day