The Judgement Seat - Mandatory Learning Experience?

in hive-107855 •  5 months ago  (edited)

The Judgement Seat - Mandatory Learning Experience?

Part I: War and Survival

Just now, Entitled: 3rd Day, The Fog of Divine War - Smoke, as a scientist, on Facebook, I determined the D.A.D.A.D.S., Compromised Humble Alien Mining System, Stationary Tornadoes, Vortexes, et al. Used fire to create natural carbon which it harvested and transformed into nanotubes and bucky balls for components. Hence the fires to restart a the system.

I am a bit in awe and somewhat frightened.

It doesn't seem right. I was up there getting my cleaning, healing blessings with the wives and dragons when The Most High said, ...

@remlaps and I talked about Steemit and steem. When the downfall of Steemit started, it was that male doctor whose office was across the Wuhan COVID 19 Laboratory who cataloged the outbreak in Sina and blogged it here on Steemit.

I erased a test post I have worked on for the last few days to find out if what I write even if it not published, affects the value of my crypto and the result is obvious. I write posts like that just to see. It's Obvious!

We continued talking about content writers and makers and how some people will like it and others will try to kill, maim, and silence the content creator.

Hence, yes that blogging doctor is long gone, but isn't it about how involved the elected hierarchy of New York stepped in to change the ownership of Poliniex, Steemit, and the Steem high used to be $8+ and that's in dollars worth 3 (three) times as much. President Biden wants to rid the world of cryptocurrency except for a national crypto and...

I can see how theories like Capricorn One get up and going - the astronauts never went to the Moon and were in a bunker with a stage a cameras northeast of San Diego, California, USA.


After vacating His seat, God said today, Go ahead sit in the chair(the throne).

This after He Healed me Soul, Body, and Mind. I was messed up badly, the after effects of acquiring 70 quintillion points largely, almost exclusively of Mr. Orange, the competitor God to the Most High.

I looked like an ant sitting in the chair.

Step out, well fly. Which I did. He sat back down

I heal, ..., your angelic powers and then He rose and said, imagine yourself large enough to sit in the chair and -

I thought this wasn't supposed to happen for a long time Father, I asked.

  • Hey I have a white rob just like The Very Good Friends -

I want you to realize that filling in for me sometimes is good task to be assigned, He replied.

You've earned the robe, now grow. I grew and filled the chair.

Now in comes the first person, look on the right arm of the chair and there is their name and history.

Give judgement to them.

There was a lot of hemming on my part and I asked God a lot of questions.

I said to the about to be judged, Purgatory. Go.

Then there was a review of why I came to that decision.

I would have thrown him in hell for a day or two first. He was a marine and he's already been in hell. It had no effect and you said you do not throw humans into hell for that long because it costs so much to heal their soul enough to even function in purgatory.

True. Very true. I said that. Still throw him in for a couple of days. After he spent some some time in heaven, right here in front of me, he will realize and have it embedded in him heaven is worth achieving.

Then God gave an angel the orders, Give Him the boat ride and pull him out in two days, the Most High said to the "handlers". (Been there, Done that, From there, Came back). 1 year. Mandatory Enrollment Combat Unit Host. Until then, odd jobs barracks.

Now this next fellow.

I knew who he was. I recognized and called his name - Purgatory.

That was a good choice on that one, He said, the Father of Fathers, But you didn't give a length -

I figured you already knew how long since it says here that...

Yes that is true but you should tell them.

50 years.

Good. And now for this fellow here.

I said his name but knew who he was already.

Cast to the demons forever.

What, why did you do that?

He serves the demons and everybody here knows it. So he gets what he wants. He resides with them.

Well, said the Most High mulling it over, I do not like that.

What would you do?

[Redacted by God]

Nooooo! Have mercy the man screamed. Have mercy on me.

Yes it felt very weird because, there was the Great Soul, the Holy Son, Standing over there watching and He said in the past, Judge not lest ye be judged.

You did fine, He said.

Now it's Pat's turn.

So, then No name got a turn.

Meanwhile, my healings and blessings were finished. I still made 2 quintillion off Mr. Orange for the day.

For the first time in a long time, Fayllus was the one who made the teeth grow paste and he applied it.

Maybe I will have a full set of teeth before I die. Then I'll have a full set of beautiful teeth forever.

I'll ask him about it tomorrow, the Son. My head is ringing today but a lot less, almost nothing now.

So the plot on how Steemit became worth so much less thickens and look how many hands were in the changing of the till ownership.

I also saw that in purgatory, the condemned receive a certain amount of protected time off with family and friends. So that's how the writer came up with "Scrooge." and his friend, Marley.

Yesterday, things seemed very un-right when I awoke. For hours it felt like there was a "sudden growth" or a huge tumor that had suddenly appeared from my chin to my stomach.

I had been up there and healed but around 10:30 pm, I felt so bad, so horrible, I had to go back up. I took Kateri, Solange, and Bertie with me. For they terrible too.

Earlier in the day, Shelly had to be faith healed and the night before. Terrible pain, agony, with cramps everywhere.

I began to feel like I could not think. I was making dinner but had to stop. In the thick smoke of a fire somewhere, I saw the attempts of the evil light towers of drought attempt to get their apparatuses working - no effect because of no voiders, no demons, and the inability to establish the "glows" the precursors to vortexes, stationary tornadoes, the D.A.D.A.D.S., the compromised Humble Alien Mining System.

Pat had informed me that out in deep space there were eight voider ships being watched that were spread out, alone, unmoving.

I told you about the antimatter removal system that used to be on the edge of the void and our type of universe. It was removed.

The reason was in order for it to continue to be able to work, the antimatter was spread out from the afflicted into the void. So a portion of the void, a mini-voider anti-universe had to remain where the antimatter removal machine was located.

The void was noticed to grow but not much and it was thought that it was because the antimatter pulled out of persons and spewed into the mini-void. There were some lifeless planets or large celestial bodies in the minivoid.

So it was shut down and God transformed the mini void to our type of universe.

Pat reported to me that 200 voider ships were spotted and moved towards the eight watched, lone ships, traversed space towards our galaxy.

Kateri, Solange, and Bertie began to feel ill as I did.

No healing would work. No screening helped. So we went to the portico of the Greeting Center.

I learned something from the horror I am about to write about the human, or all souls, their complexity (though neither I nor you, not any human will ever understand).

The screeners on the portico screened us and found nothing. But then one screener noticed that there was a strange flashing between the lights that indicated matter types that still existed that the "vacuum" screener modules could remove.

Jesus came out to look at what was happening, to discern if the equipment was failing or something was in us the equipment could not remove.

Then Most High came out, and every expert and something came out - a voider borer worm from me.

What are Heroes? What are Heroines?
What do they go through?
How do they survive whatever it is they face?
How do they know what do?
How many times is it legal for them to face death?
How many times should they be robbed? Whipped, Crucified, or whatever horrible things freaks that serve demons, jinn, voiders, and evil think up?
Other countries in which they do not live who silently stalk them with computers and hidden secret agents?

To be continued... In my replies

© @jeff-kubitz, Jeff Kubitz All Rights Reserved including photos

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