Ya Big Dumb Gorillas! - God, Work, and Games

in hive-107855 •  3 months ago  (edited)

Ya Big Gorillas...

My photo

A Problem

My fairly new Eco-Worthy Batteries weren't doing all that well now that the cold of late November early December began to drop the night temperatures below 20 degrees fahrenheit. The batteries took longer to charge and drained faster. I thought of all the fixes I could do.

  • I could insulate the battery box.

  • I could put in a DC heater.

  • I could do both of the above.

But what if there were storms that lasted a week? That is not unusual. What if the temperature dropped so low that there was no way to heat it? It does drop to -30 degrees fahrenheit here for roughly a month.

Insulating the battery box was a good idea because I had enough insulation and materials lying around but I would have to make it all removable because in the summer it can get too hot for the batteries to work because the upper temperature limit wille reached.

Then, there's the deadly possibility of water pooling across the top of the batteries due to a leak. Bad, very bad.

Under the House

This was the best solution because all I needed was wire and connectors.

I had put in two 1 1/2" PVC pipes through the rock wall when I put in the foundation. I did that for electrical feeds. One was clogged and I needed it.

I had tried shoving the aluminum 2/0 - 2/0 - 2/0 - 1/0 cable through it but it was stuck. It would not go through. I wanted to put two cables through but no matter what I did the second stuck. One would have to do.

First, I had to take a couple of steel bars and a hand three pound sledgehammer in there. I decided to put a 3' x 4' pallet to put the batteries on top of the pallet at the same time. Not a good idea to set them on the dirt.


This area is hardly accessible by me. I am big and originally I built a 12' x 16' shed here to store gardening tools, pots, and stuff that we did not need in our mobile home, which was full of a lot of things we needed to store.

The people around here broke in to see what was inside and did have courtesy to close the door afterwards.

As I tried to get the pallet over the water barrels,

I flashed back to the last football game, American Tackle Football, I played. We were losing 36 to 7 against the Arizona Sun Devils in their stadium. It was November of 1980.(It was initially written as '81 but when things and events are more than 40 years ago - hehehehe)

I decided to take over play calling. I even invented a whole new series of offensive plays out there on the field. The first play was the twenty-seven counter sweep. Now before that, Our strong side offensive tackle was Kevin McGill and strong side guard was Kevin Anderson and they were getting their butts kicked by an All American defensive tackle and defensive end on the Sun Devils team. The coach kept running 56's and 58's which are off guard blasts and off tackle slants.

So I came up with a brilliant idea in the huddle, "The coaches are throwing the game because they are gambling on it," I said...that really pissed everyone off. Perhaps the most angered was our quarterback, Reggie Ogburn. He was a senior and this would be his last game. There was all kinds and everyone got jumping angry.

And so I said, "I've come up with a play and here's what we do: the right side blocks like it's a fifty-six and so does the left Reg and Reggie Williams, do the exact same thing and except Williams only take two steps and then around the left side like a 27 sweep. All receivers run straight down field and keep going. Reg you toss the ball to Williams ."
Now I was telling this stuff to Ogburn and he was then telling to the of the guys, "There's going to be a hole like a Mac Truck and you Williams that if he doesn't run through it, I will hunt him down after the game and kill him. Oh and Reg there's a fifty percent chance you will be hit from behind so be ready for it."

We ran the play and I saw Williams run by my left side and he was gone. It was sixty or seventy yards and he scored. There were a lot of variations on the offensive plays.

Next series, we ran the same play and scored.

Then I asked who is open when run the play. "I am." Rourke said. He was a split end. Touchdown.

Several times, the coaches called us out of the game, me included, and I also switched positions with McGill. Because, he was getting beat up bad. McGill was right, that guy could hit. Oh could he, that All American defensive tackle. I had a tough time thinking up the plays for awhile.

Anyways I had a trick block for the twenty-seven counter sweep and it resulted in my blocking all three of the All Americans on their defense especially after the second time we scored using it. Those guys could hit.

So I had to crawl through that space in the photo up above at least ten times in and out to get it done. Now the batteries do not get too cold nor too hot and so the whole system works like it should.

Yeah those Sun Devils could hit very hard and so I lost the feeling in my arms again, paralysis.

What had pissed me off to do that, takeover the game was the offensive line coach had said, "Ya Big Dumb Gorillas! Ya stupid idiots, all you have to do is block correctly and the play will work!"

Tonight the Ducks play the Nittany Lions for the Big Ten Championship, University of Oregon versus Penn State.

Meanwhile, I was in heaven talking with God this morning again and He seemed to begin to get angry with me and He asked, "Are you angry with me," because of the cryptocurrency prices. He predicted the prices and it was not close.

"No I know," I changed it to, "Mother said you were tired. I am tired too and it is not like you have not already done tons for me.

"Thank you for understanding. We will get everything straightened out on Earth very soon."

It doesn't seem to matter how tired God becomes from His labors, I have not seen Him take more than a week of Earth's time to be fully rested, fully restored.

My advice is repent.

By the time game was over, we lost but it was 36 to 42.

The Ducks used those offensive plays for a couple of decades, at least.

"I put at the Earth at peace very shortly," the Most High said. "Whether anyone likes it or not."

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Gorilla as a derogatory term...! Is that an injustice to the animals? I believe they are capable of remarkable social and intellectual achievements. So... Maybe it was clumsy praise ;-))

Whatever motivates folks I guess. And no, we were down by 29 points so it wasn't praise although it can be.
My how things change my team played Penn State for the Big 10 championship last night. The Big 10 now includes most of the PAC-10 which Oregon and ASU were a part of back then, has 18 teams now and ...

And the Ducks won!

TEAM - 3


Why thank you team 3, @steemcurstot03, @chant I truly appreciate your vote