Eyes in the fog | Story-by-photo contest #Х | [en-es]

in hive-107855 •  8 months ago  (edited)

GIF 5-2-2024 14-15-18.gif
Gif from contest images.

Eyes in the fog


Story-by-photo contest #Х by @bambuka

The small, isolated town of Townhill was caught in an unprecedented snow storm. For days the snow was covering the landscape with its white and icy mantle, beautiful on a postcard. But the beauty soon turned into a winter nightmare. Townhill was isolated from the world, as the storm was joined by a thick fog that covered the town, plunging it into a gloomy atmosphere.

The inhabitants were left incommunicado, without electricity, without internet. Concern began to settle among the residents, they began to feel a strange presence in the forest that surrounded the town. Eyes watched them from the darkness, and they were not from this world.

A week later, they were still incommunicado and without news from government authorities. To make matters worse, huge footprints appeared in the snow, keeping everyone perplexed and afraid. On the tenth day of the snowfall, the mutilated bodies of animals began to be found in different places, the mutilated bodies of animals began to be found in different places.

On the thirteenth day, the storm continued to hit the town, the first human corpses appeared, frozen in horrible grimaces of terror, they had encountered the creature. Panic took over the place and many fled in terror, seeking refuge in other places, although they did not find it.

The mayor and a small group of brave men decided to face the unknown. Search groups were organized at the police station, which would go out to bring all the inhabitants to take refuge in the school, the last stronghold of security in the middle of the white nightmare.

They resorted to sleds and other gadgets, due to the shortage of vehicles and fuel. At dusk on the first day of the rescue, they were able to bring a large number of residents to the shelter at the school. But they had to stop because they realized that the creature was coming towards the town.

The creature, a sinister and unknown entity, began to stalk the streets of the town center, getting closer and closer to the school. The terror intensified with every step they took, while from the school windows they saw an elderly woman fighting for her life and desperately seeking help, trying to reach the doors of the shelter. However, the desolation was absolute; No one dared to come to her aid.



Versión en español

GIF 5-2-2024 14-15-18.gif
Gif from contest images.

Ojos en le niebla


Story-by-photo contest #Х by @bambuka

El pequeño y aislado pueblo de Townhill se vio envuelto en una tormenta de nieve sin precedentes. Durante días la nieve fue cubriendo el paisaje con su manto blanco y helado, hermoso en una postal. Pero la belleza pronto se convirtió en una pesadilla invernal. Townhill quedó aislado del mundo, pues a la tormenta se unió una espesa niebla que cubrió el pueblo, sumiéndolo en una tétrica atmosfera.

Los habitantes quedaron incomunicados, sin electricidad, sin internet. La preocupación se fue asentando en los pobladores, comenzaron a sentir una extraña presencia en el bosque que rodeaba al pueblo. Unos ojos los observaban desde la oscuridad, y no eran de este mundo.

A la semana, seguían incomunicados y sin noticias de las autoridades gubernamentales. Para colmo, unas huellas enormes aparecían en la nieve, manteniéndolos a todos perplejos y temerosos. El día diez de la nevada, comenzaron a encontrarse los cuerpos mutilados de animales en diferentes lugares.

El día trece de la tormenta continuaba azotando el pueblo, aparecieron los primeros cadáveres humanos congelados en horribles muecas de terror, se habían topado con la criatura. El pánico se apoderó del lugar y muchos huyeron despavoridos, buscando refugio en otros lugares, aunque no lo encontraron.

El alcalde y un pequeño grupo de valientes se decidieron a enfrentar lo desconocido. En la comisaría se organizaron grupos de búsqueda, que saldrían a traer a todos los habitantes a que se refugiaran en la escuela, el último reducto de seguridad en medio de la pesadilla blanca

Recurrieron a trineos y otros artilugios, ante la escasez de vehículos y combustible. Al atardecer del primer día de rescate, pudieron traer un gran número de pobladores al refugio en la escuela. Pero debieron suspender pues se dieron cuenta que la criatura venía hacia el pueblo.

La criatura, una entidad siniestra y desconocida, comenzó a acechar por las calles del centro del pueblo acercándose cada vez más a la escuela. El terror se intensificaba con cada paso que daba, mientras desde las ventanas de la escuela divisaron a una anciana que luchaba por su vida y buscaba desesperadamente ayuda, intentando llegar a las puertas del refugio. Sin embargo, la desolación era absoluta; nadie se atrevió a acudir en su auxilio.




Bases del Concurso: Story-by-photo contest #Х by @bambuka


Original production by @joslud -- #wox-joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.
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Oh well, that was exactly the task. Creepy, grrhhh...!!!

Yes, it's very scary, isn't it? The frightened people must be very anxious about creatures they can't imagine

All I have left to do is show the head of this monster....
🤣 😂😅🍄


So the villagers sacrifice the elderly? The story feels very realistic.
I wonder if the creature is lonely and those screaming villagers scare it.
I wonder how the story ends...


Hey, great story ... what happens next though? Got a bit of a Stephen King vibe ...

Hi @sarahewaring

Great that you can see some of Stephen King's style in the story. I grew up reading his books and consider him one of my writing mentors. I really wish I could write like him!!

Two people already ask me what happens next? I'm more into giving the endings to the reader, letting them decide or be intrigued by what will be.

But, I wrote a parallel story in Spanish, from the old woman's vision, there I glimpse an end.

Here the link:

Pesadilla en el pueblo

Thanks, I shall certainly give it a read. I will have a think about an ending to this one too. Have you read 'on writing' by Stephen King? I found that quite good. I love his style, but its not my style if you know what I mean. I can certainly see he has had an impact on you.