Mengele's Plan | "The Keyword of the Week" | [es-en]

in hive-107855 •  last month 

El Plan de Menguele

Imagen de mi galería en[1]


"FAUSTKEIL" CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week" by @hive-107855

— ¡¿“FAUSTKEIL”?! … — ¿No se les pudo ocurrir otra palabra a estos alemanes? —Pensó Isaac, —molesto al intentar descubrir la codificación oculta en la palabra cifrada le que habían enviado los aliados infiltrados en las SS.

La información era fidedigna, —en la frontera amazónica entre Brasil y Venezuela —; los aliados habían ubicado un laboratorio con experimentos similares a los que el Dr. Menguele viene realizando en Auschwitz.

Para colmo, recientemente la dictadura que impera en Venezuela hizo pública su alianza con el régimen de las SS. Hasta han realizado una invitación al mismísimo Führer para una visita oficial este país.

— Y me tocó a mí en mi noche de guardia, a mí que no hablo inglés y mucho menos alemán, recibir el ultimo cable conteniendo la palabra ""FAUSTKEIL "", que tiene incrustado en su significado los detalles del plan de Menguele. — Al menos eso suponemos. —Se dijo Isaac a sí mismo —.

La recién creada “Clandestinidad” venezolana, estaba conformada por disidentes y opositores al gobierno. Se sabe que, dada su ubicación geográfica, y el temor a que abriesen un frente enemigo en territorio americano. Fue apoyada por Estados Unidos tras el ataque a Pearl Harbor.

La clandestinidad, permanece oculta y en constante movimiento, por lo que no disponen de equipos desencriptadores que usan los aliados en Europa. Por lo que el trabajo les resulta arduo y muy lento.

— Solo cuento con un diccionario escolar inglés-español, —seguía quejándose Isaac en sus pensamientos —, mientras exprimía literalmente las diferentes acepciones del termino alemán “FAUSTKEIL”. Traducido al inglés como: “FISTWEDGE” y sin traducción o termino especifico en español.

— Veamos, —inicio Isaac sus técnicas de pensamiento circular, (sabiendo que de su trabajo dependía parte del triunfo de los aliados) —. Rueda o Cuña de Puño? Puedo deducir que es como un pequeño inicio, algo que se da o coloca en el momento de golpe. Pero, dado con tal fuerza que de golpe iniciaría el desastre. ¿Dónde? ¿En Venezuela?

— Se trataría de una situación sumamente delicada, un enorme problema que se inicia introduciendo una cuña para darle paso. Es cómo el refrán venezolano: “No hay mejor cuña que la del mismo palo, (árbol)” —.

— ¿De qué se trata?... Vamos —Seguía devanándose los sesos Isaac —. Menguele supervisa sus siniestros experimentos con niños de raza blanca en la selva amazónica, a finales de 1943. Algo pequeño va a iniciar una catástrofe en plena guerra, acá en América.

— Meguele un psicópata, un minúsculo peón —. Pero es quien desde Alemania dirige los experimentos—. Los aliados destruyeron esos laboratorios en la selva. Pero de seguro hay replicas en otros países del cono sur, con el aval de los dictadores que los gobiernan.

— ¡Lo tengo! Mengele se vendrá a alguno de los países suramericanos. —¡Esto es!, —se felicitó Isaac, por su éxito —, mientras empezaba a teclear sobre el telégrafo para enviar la noticia a los aliados.




English Version

Mengele's Plan

Imagen de mi galería en[1]


"FAUSTKEIL" CONTEST: "The Keyword of the Week" by @hive-107855

— “FAUSTKEIL”?! … — Couldn’t these Germans have come up with another word? —Isaac thought, —annoyed as he tried to discover the hidden coding in the encrypted word that the Allies infiltrated in the SS had sent him.

The information was reliable —on the Amazon border between Brazil and Venezuela—; the Allies had located a laboratory with experiments similar to those that Dr. Mengele has been carrying out in Auschwitz.

To top it all off, the dictatorship that rules Venezuela recently made public its alliance with the SS regime. They even invited the Führer himself for an official visit to this country.

— And it was my turn on my night shift, I who do not speak English and much less German, to receive the last cable containing the word ""FAUSTKEIL"", which has embedded in its meaning the details of Mengele's plan. — At least that is what we assume. — Isaac said to himself —.

The newly created Venezuelan "Clandestinity" was made up of dissidents and opponents of the government. It is known that, given its geographical location, and the fear of an enemy front opening in American territory, it was supported by the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The underground remains hidden and in constant movement, so they do not have decryption equipment that the Allies use in Europe. Therefore, the work is arduous and very slow for them.

— I only have an English-Spanish school dictionary, —Isaac continued complaining in his thoughts—, while he literally explored the different meanings of the German term “FAUSTKEIL”. Translated into English as: “FISTWEDGE” and without translation or specific term in Spanish.

— Let's see, —Isaac began his circular thinking techniques, (knowing that part of the Allies' triumph depended on his work) —. Fist Wheel or Wedge? I can deduce that it is like a small beginning, something that is given or placed at the moment of the blow. But, given with such force that the disaster would suddenly begin. Where? In Venezuela?

— It would be an extremely delicate situation, an enormous problem that begins by presenting a wedge to make way for it. It is like the Venezuelan saying: “There is no better wedge than that of the same stick, (tree)” —.

— What is it about? ?... Come on —Isaac continued to rack his brains —. Mengele supervises his sinister experiments with white children in the Amazon jungle, at the end of 1943. Something small is going to start a catastrophe in the middle of the war, here in America.

— Mengele is a psychopath, a tiny pawn —. But he is the one who directs the experiments from Germany —. The allies destroyed those laboratories in the jungle. But surely there are replicas in other countries of the southern cone, with the endorsement of the dictators who govern them.

— I have it! Mengele will come to one of the South American countries. —That's it! —Isaac congratulated himself for his success—, as he began to type on the telegraph to send the news to the allies.





  • [1] Las imágenes y gif son de mi creación a partir de Promts editados en Dicha aplicación emplea la Inteligencia Artificial, para generar imágenes, a partir de frases y oraciones escritas. Estas son libres de derechos. [1] Ver mi galería en joslud



Original production by @joslud -- #wox-joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

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So you think this is relatable to countries where everything is not going on fairly? I believe more than half the world is on the verge of destruction and if we want to save it we should go back to FISTWEDGE rather than atomic bombs. My 2 cents!

Hi @dove11

Greetings friend.
Like you, I think that at this moment we are at an edge where many countries are already crossing the gap towards war, defending the causes they embrace and believe in, closing spaces for negotiation and dialogue.

Now, behind the countries, there are their governments, behind the governments there are men, and within those men there are tendencies to "create" with the other, or "destroy" the other.

An immense job for educators and for lovers of peace at this time.

Personally, I am not in favor of war, of any kind of war.

I would like to ask you, what do you mean by "we should go back to FISTWEDGE"
I confess that I am not clear, in Spanish that word does not exist and it adopts such opposite meanings as: "to separate and open gaps", "small element creator of discord and conflict", or "to open possibilities".

Seriously, I want to read your stance on this.

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As @jiva34 so rightly explained: Fist wedges were used to split wood or, if necessary, the head of an enemy.

The problem is and remains us humans. Aggression seems to be part of our nature. Some take it to extremes.

Power makes man cruel and we can turn the pages of history and see that with every passing day, man is being divided into communities, thoughts, based on religion, and whatnot to find an excuse to fight harder.

It's timeless. Been going on since the dawn of creation. If you can actually do something to ease the pain great. Otherwise, get some popcorn, watch the show.

Enigma is everywhere.

To be on the safe side, I just checked to see if there was ever an ‘Operation Hand Wedge’... Could have been.


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